Ah yea the welding gun.
That was very cool, would be fun just to have a level full of random objects and say have to build a 2 story building as best you can etc.
More then a year ago people were suggesting things, I suggested a pet headcrab for everyone that you could walk around in the park etc.
Then it came up to "well what if it trys to headcrab someone, I suggested a muzzle for the little guy, that or de-fang him or whatever they had"
Wonder if...
mabye valve doesn't want to alienate their coustumers who give them money?
Like all those other "The way its meant to be played" Nvidia companys do to ati users oh so often.
yes, but knowing valve they may have had it working for all of ati's cards, but some of nvidia's might not be able to do it with out quite some tweaking (remeber they said the Fx series cards would never be able to do it without going down into single digit fps) mabye they found a way to get it...
Any one recall how ground breaking and fun it was to have the enimes in half life one fight each other? how whole levels were made just to play around with it?
I loved that one level, had a giant room with a wall in the center, you were in a control room with a window, and a button. The...
It is here, its just to damn expensive if you actually wanted a fessable useable thing, that and games would have to be litteraly cutom made for it.
So not going to happen.
There are Steroscopic Headsets you can get, they will give you more imersion, but the only games they ever seem to...
Gamespot are genereally more in favour of Console games for some reason. Not to say they dislike Pc games, they are just Very hard on them in reviews. while for console games they are very forgiving.
Ign is about equal to both areas. But In my view still sucks.
That those people that bought gold and won the trip (the one in every 5000 or whatever)
Actually haven't won a trip at all!.
You see the version they download into their computers is not actually a game at all, but a bio-enginerged virus, Valve are actually a super secret military...