I still don't know what the hell you're talking about. This is how software production works: After all your features are in, you have a series of beta builds that you test out. When one of them is high enough quality for release, you release it. Valve released the beta build we were testing...
Did you not read any of the posts above yours? Valve is not allowed to undercut Vivendi with lower prices. Is that difficult to understand?
Do you know why game prices are set as they are? Well let's see... Vivendi, being a useless media publisher and leech on society, has over 700...
Wow... apparently 77.07% of this board is going to be pretty disappointed when their self-made fantasies don't come true... :rolleyes: Someone should ressurect this thread after HL2's release just to show that most of the people here don't know wtf they're talking about.
Haha, no, nobody hex edited animation files to make a terrorist dance. It was put there by Valve. Only works on that specficic part of the hardware test map.
Oop, sorry, what I should've said is tweak your cl_smoothtime and see if it gets rid of the jerking/studdering. 2.0 is the max I believe.
re: studdering near other players, yes, this happens whenever you bump into another player. It's always been this way in HL mods I believe. The...
re: the incredibly annoying jittery movement, this fixes it - http://www.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=127569
cl_smooth 0
EDIT: This command apparently affects how the client resolves player positioning conflicts with the server, but nobody seems to know how it affects...
I like the concepts, hope valve implements something similar.
One thing I'd like to add is that on pub servers, a score vs deaths ratio is stupid. It punishes the ratio of players who are more agressive/offensive and die more often round, and rewards those who sit back in the corner...
At 60hz w/ vsync on, your fps be either 60, 30, 15, 7.5, etc. If your fps is always 30, it means your 'natural' fps is always somewhere between 30 adn 60. If your natural fps was over 60, you'd get 60 fps with vsync on.
Yes, exactly. And when the wall you're shooting is dark and far away it's hard to see anything at all. It would be nice if there was a server-side option to turn tracers on.
Whenever there's a new version of CS a thousand people say hit detection is worse and a thousand others say its better. I'm convinced that nobody really can tell, and are basing their opinions on how often they died.
Keep in mind that last night most of the CS:S servers sucked, most of them...
sorry but there's no way you downloaded around 120 megs in less than a minute. The loading screen is just the amount of data required to open the main menu, not to actually join a game. Check your steam monitor.
Everyone who's flipping out about "WTF I CANT PLAY I LOST MY PANTS I HATE VALVE": Relax. Take a deep breath and check your Steam monitor. Is it still downloading? If so, you're prolly not going to be able to play yet. Apparently the 'pre-load' was just enough to get CS:S to load, not to...