HL2's multiplayer - plain and simple poll

Half-Life 2 will come with...

  • JUST Counter-Strike Source

    Votes: 79 23.2%
  • A Half-Life 2 themed multiplayer AND Counter-Strike Source

    Votes: 262 76.8%

  • Total voters
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Wow... apparently 77.07% of this board is going to be pretty disappointed when their self-made fantasies don't come true... :rolleyes: Someone should ressurect this thread after HL2's release just to show that most of the people here don't know wtf they're talking about.
dscowboy said:
Wow... apparently 77.07% of this board is going to be pretty disappointed when their self-made fantasies don't come true... :rolleyes: Someone should ressurect this thread after HL2's release just to show that most of the people here don't know wtf they're talking about.

WoW..... shows your inteligence level!!!!!
iamaelephant said:
Well how about the time either Gabe or Doug (don't remember) said "Alot of people have been wondering about HL2's multiplayer. We decided to port Counter Strike over to source," or something to that effect. The fact is that we have no proof either way, but it certainly looks to me like CS:S is it.

can i get a link to where this came from. Considering they have been silent on multiplayer and still are, i dont think they would have said that. I really doubt any developer when making the multiplayer option for there game would think, "sod it, scrap that and we will just port an old game instead"

dscowboy said:
Wow... apparently 77.07% of this board is going to be pretty disappointed when their self-made fantasies don't come true... Someone should ressurect this thread after HL2's release just to show that most of the people here don't know wtf they're talking about.

well you clearly know what your talking about. so, can you back it up.
at the e3 2004, i distinctly remember ol' doug lombardi stating that CS:S was hl2's multiplayer. don't have the video on me, but every time i see someone say otherwise i think of that. maybe if someone was so inclined, they would check all the shaky cams and see if i remember this correctly. perhaps it was in different wording... wish i still had it.
ViolenceJack said:
can i get a link to where this came from. Considering they have been silent on multiplayer and still are, i dont think they would have said that.

The E3 2004 video of CS:S. Don't ever doubt me.
As much as I want it, if I take the realist stance, it will only come with re-creations of the existing multiplayer mod's.

But I want a multiplayer game from the HL2 world....
neptuneuk said:
geez, i cant beleive that some people here dont beleive there will be a multiplayer with HL2...
this is valve we are talking about! who do you think they are?

they give it 101%, and its that little bit extra that makes these games super!

you should be ashamed of yourselves.

hello people?? who do you think you are?
valve have obviously got something pretty neat for multiplayer, thats why they kept it under wraps
they arent EA games, they are VALVe
er whats better, cs:source on its own, or cs:source and hl2 multiplayer,,, hmm i wonder....

stupid thread
E32k4 video/posted by iamaelephant said:
lot of people have been wondering about HL2's multiplayer. We decided to port Counter Strike over to source,Strike over to source

This, and many other news stories, articles, and quotes all simply point to CS:S being hl2's only multiplayer. Half-life 2 is a singleplayer game. CS:S is the multiplayer element. There is a LOT of indication that CS:S is it, thats all. And whats wrong with that? Nothing imo, CS:S is fine.

There has been barely ANY indication whatsoever that a HL2-themed multiplayer even exists. Valve did say origianlly they were keeping multiplayer secret. Then they spill the beans at E32k4.

It's CS:S
|LGW|Mith said:
This, and many other news stories, articles, and quotes all simply point to CS:S being hl2's only multiplayer. Half-life 2 is a singleplayer game. CS:S is the multiplayer element. There is a LOT of indication that CS:S is it, thats all. And whats wrong with that? Nothing imo, CS:S is fine.

There has been barely ANY indication whatsoever that a HL2-themed multiplayer even exists. Valve did say origianlly they were keeping multiplayer secret. Then they spill the beans at E32k4.

It's CS:S

you'll be eating those words when they say their references to HL2 meant the single and multiplayer aspects combined, because when HL1 came out im sure you heard people sayin, 'Omg HL & HL MP the game'. :cat:

with the seperate package of CS

your a gook from battlefield Vietnam if you think otherwise. :p
clarky003 said:
you'll be eating those words when they say their references to HL2 meant the single and multiplayer aspects combined, because when HL1 came out im sure you heard people sayin, 'Omg HL & HL MP the game'. :cat:

with the seperate package of CS

your a gook from battlefield Vietnam if you think otherwise. :p

Those that think CS:S is the only multiplayer are posting evidence, you other ppl dont have anything to back your thoughts up on.
|LGW|Mith said:
Those that think CS:S is the only multiplayer are posting evidence, you other ppl dont have anything to back your thoughts up on.

wtf we need evidence of a HL2 themed multiplayer.. ? (its valve were talking about here!, 6 years in the making, numero uno honcho) your being a bit pedantic about this as the games not anywhere near out yet, and more info is undoubtably yet to come, :dork:
neptuneuk said:
geez, i cant beleive that some people here dont beleive there will be a multiplayer with HL2...
this is valve we are talking about! who do you think they are?

they give it 101%, and its that little bit extra that makes these games super!

you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh, you mean the Great and Almighty Valve that made one hit game in their entire lifetime? And lied about the September 30th release date just so ATI could sell more cards? And have made plenty of dumbass mistakes like putting HL2 on a computer connected to the net and putting the HL2 script into the CS:S cache?

If and when Valve builds themselves a nice little library of respectable games, THEN you can say "Hey, this is Valve we're talking about here!". Until then, you're going off of ONE GAME, and so I don't know where you get the need to tout them as some kind of infallible entity.

And then you have the nerve to call everybody who disagrees with you stipid, even though all you've done thus far is make stupid two-word posts and plunge your nose far too deeply into Valve's ass. Jesus...

Also, I see many people flaunting the old Gabe quote where he says he'd been playing the HL2 MP long before CS:S started development. I'm skeptical of that as proof, because Gabe is no saint. Seeing as how we've heard of no HL2-themed MP by this point (it would make sense if we heard about it by this point), I'm almost willing to write off his comment as him merely trying to get the fans excited.

Hell, they said the'd be ready by September last year. They weren't. What makes you think that the Multiplayer had even started development by that point?
whenever we ask about a hl2 themed mulitplayer, valve stays silent, they do not answer at all. i think thats proof enough to say that they are trying to surprise us.
clarky003 said:
wtf we need evidence of a HL2 themed multiplayer.. ? (its valve were talking about here!, 6 years in the making, numero uno honcho)

What kind of evidence is that? Who cares if Valve made one great game? It could be the one good game they'll ever make. And who cares if it took six years? Maybe Valve are just slow workers. Or maybe they spent all that time on an amazing single player experience.

There's practically no solid evidence of an HL2-themed MP thus far. Anybody who thinks that there will be have the burden of proof. Not vice versa.
Thadius Dean said:
whenever we ask about a hl2 themed mulitplayer, valve stays silent, they do not answer at all. i think thats proof enough to say that they are trying to surprise us.

Or delay the inevitable riots that will ensue when pissed off HL fans find out that there is no multiplayer...
valve also doesnt reply when people ask questions that they already answered.
Why wouldn't HL2 have its own multiplayer? I think it's the most ridicolous idea ever to think that there would not be a HL2 DM. I mean, many people might not even enjoy CS:S. Even FarCry and Doom 3 had their own multiplayers.
Absinthe said:
What kind of evidence is that? Who cares if Valve made one great game? It could be the one good game they'll ever make. And who cares if it took six years? Maybe Valve are just slow workers. Or maybe they spent all that time on an amazing single player experience.

There's practically no solid evidence of an HL2-themed MP thus far. Anybody who thinks that there will be have the burden of proof. Not vice versa.

your not a HL fan really are ya? your just basing everything on what we know at present (and as we know time doesnt stand still, and gabe knows that the fanbase would love a HL2 themed MP), like I said, more info should be on the way. and I do believe you'll be the one eating your words when HL2 is released when theres a button on the startup menu saying multiplayer ;).

btw your avatar makes me sick to my stomach :x
Absinthe said:
Oh, you mean the Great and Almighty Valve that made one hit game in their entire lifetime? And lied about the September 30th release date just so ATI could sell more cards? And have made plenty of dumbass mistakes like putting HL2 on a computer connected to the net and putting the HL2 script into the CS:S cache?

If and when Valve builds themselves a nice little library of respectable games, THEN you can say "Hey, this is Valve we're talking about here!". Until then, you're going off of ONE GAME, and so I don't know where you get the need to tout them as some kind of infallible entity.

And then you have the nerve to call everybody who disagrees with you stipid, even though all you've done thus far is make stupid two-word posts and plunge your nose far too deeply into Valve's ass. Jesus...

Also, I see many people flaunting the old Gabe quote where he says he'd been playing the HL2 MP long before CS:S started development. I'm skeptical of that as proof, because Gabe is no saint. Seeing as how we've heard of no HL2-themed MP by this point (it would make sense if we heard about it by this point), I'm almost willing to write off his comment as him merely trying to get the fans excited.

Hell, they said the'd be ready by September last year. They weren't. What makes you think that the Multiplayer had even started development by that point?

please can you clearly state where i said that anyone who disagrees with me is stipid? (possibly you mean, stUpid)
i will glady await response.

thanks :)
Your friend, Neptune
I believe there is a HL2 themed multiplayer, there can't not be, there's no way they can sell CS:S as HL2's multiplayer, they are two completely seperate games. When Valve mention HL2, they mean the whole lot, SP and MP - thats the HL2 package. CS:S is serperate, just given away free with HL2, that is all...

[Edit] - I dont see where all this hype is coming from that CS:S will be the only MP. It's common sense of Valve to make a HL2 MP...
i agree with you, (awaits flame)

since when was the right to free speech abolished?
Either way if HL2 din't have its own multiplayer there Sven-Coop 2 on the way to fix that!
Din't valve give the SDK out to very few mod groups? If they did..i hope Sven-Coop 2 was one of them. Then that could be its multiplayer, which i must say. Would own.

And if anyone can give me a link where someone who works at valve said this
"Cs:S will be HL2's ONLY multiplayer. Hl2 will come with no other multiplayer"
If someone can find that then i will believe Cs:S is hl2's only multiplayer.. if you cant well umm...well..umm... umm..
Ima go email gabe about this..
oldagerocker said:
[Edit] - I dont see where all this hype is coming from that CS:S will be the only MP. It's common sense of Valve to make a HL2 MP...

Theres a bunch of indications out there. One, watch & listen to the CS:S part of the E32k4 video.
i alreadsy dids.

i was hoping he wouls answer so i could 'pwn' all the pessimists/CS:S bummers "STFU!OMGLOLOLWTFn000bs!!!!"
clarky003 said:
your not a HL fan really are ya? your just basing everything on what we know at present (and as we know time doesnt stand still, and gabe knows that the fanbase would love a HL2 themed MP), like I said, more info should be on the way. and I do believe you'll be the one eating your words when HL2 is released when theres a button on the startup menu saying multiplayer ;).

Are you shitting me?

1.) More info should have already been here.

2.) If Gabe was really so in-tuned with what the community wants, then he'd know that he should stop yapping his trap and spewing promises that are meant to be broken. And enough people seem content with CS:S any way.

3.) Did you ever stop to consider that the Multiplayer button may just very well lead to to CS:S?

I am an HL fan. I've played it and its mods more than any other game, and I eagerly await HL2. But that doesn't mean I'm going to just sit here and pretend everything's A-OK with Valve.

neptuneuk said:
please can you clearly state where i said that anyone who disagrees with me is stipid? (possibly you mean, stUpid)
i will glady await response.

thanks :)
Your friend, Neptune

neptuneuk said:

more like 'stupid people'

After not only stating that it's "oh-so-obvious" that HL2 will have it's own MP, and after you brown nosed Valve, and after you told us we should all be ashamed for thinking Valve wouldn't include it's own MP, somebody said that it wouldn't make sense if they didn't have their own MP. They thus called this a stupid thread, implying that it's stupid to ask such a ridiculous quesiton in the first place. You, soon after, say "more like 'stupid people'", essentially saying that anybody who ever doubted Valve is, in fact, stupid.

Now cut the smiley crap, because I know what you said, and you know it too.

oldagerocker said:
[Edit] - I dont see where all this hype is coming from that CS:S will be the only MP. It's common sense of Valve to make a HL2 MP...

Valve has demonstrated that they lack quite a bit of common sense.

since when was the right to free speech abolished?

Oh, you have the right to free speech (to a certain extent, since all forums are technically dictatorships). But when you act like a tard, don't be surprised when somebody gives you a harsh reaction.
hi there,
im still awaiting evidence to your statement where i claimed everyone who disagrees with me is stupid.

thanks in advance
Neptune :)
Absinthe said:
Now cut the smiley crap, because I know what you said, and you know it too.

no? hence why i asked you, seeing as you thought that you knew.

ah the smiley faces..

being me, the nice guy that i am. i tend to ignore mindless flaming retards, as they tend to suffer from disabilities, such as lower intellect when compared to some other people.
and thus, they do not know any better so i dont blame them for their actions. and so, i didnt get angry with you. :)
neptuneuk said:
hi there,
im still awaiting evidence to your statement where i claimed everyone who disagrees with me is stupid.

thanks in advance
Neptune :)

Thats getting offtopic, and you're trying to start trouble with Absinthe. Dont do crap like that.

The fact is, on topic, that there is no evidence at all that supports a HL2-themed multiplayer existing. Give me the evidence, prove me wrong. You cant.
neptuneuk said:
no? hence why i asked you, seeing as you thought that you knew.

ah the smiley faces..

being me, the nice guy that i am. i tend to ignore mindless flaming retards, as they tend to suffer from disabilities, such as lower intellect when compared to some other people.
and thus, they do not know any better so i dont blame them for their actions. and so, i didnt get angry with you. :)

You implied that anyone who thought HL2 didn't have any multiplayer besides CS:Source are "stupid people".

Happy now?

If you want to continue this discussion, there's a PM button. I suggest you use it.
I think the fact we'll already have the guns and textures and the great capabilities of hammer valve's way of hinting (MAKE YOUR OWN!) as map making's hard and time consuming, something they dont have for a sept 30th release *fingers crossed*
poseyjmac said:
yet you didn't quote their backpedaling. do you have any proof?

Info from Valve thread, page 44 (fortunately, I only had to wade through 5 pages to find it)

Jess Cliffe:
"BTW, what I'm referring to in this email thread with you is the lack of
DoD: Source information we've been putting out. Most everybody from the
DoD team is busy jamming on CS:S right now. We'll release new DoD:S info
sometime later. A couple people on the hl2.net forums are reading too
far into my statements..."
would be retarded not to use all these weapon models and net code just for mods
ahh, i see from this thread alone that there isn't anything common about 'common sense' anymore... well, nobody really knows, so we'll have to wait and see. flaming people and arguing over interpretations and different points doesnt solve anything, since to be fair, nobody discussing this knows for sure.. it's all speculation.
when gabe made that quote about the Hl2 mp "yeah i play it all the time" he was just being smart. I hve no doubt he was talking about CS but which version? Even if cs:s had not been started (WHICH I DOUBT) he could have played 1.6 all the time. Same game see? Also i think theyre talking BS when they say they started it in january or w/e. Either way valve lied unless u beilive in a HL2 themed multiplayer.

personally i was hoping for CS2 that mythical game that gooseman is rumoured to be working on but no they announced the multiplayer as cs:source. Which is fine its a great multiplayer and will be supported well by valve. I'm not expecting a hl2 themed multiplayer becuase there is no evidence :|
Well when it comes down to it I will be EXTREMELY dissapointed in valve if after 6 years all valve has to offer me MP wise is css.....blah!
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