lol in Raven shield i was standing in a window it was like begining of round i turned around to look through and got shot through it anyways i plopped with my upper body outside hanging on window frame it looked so cool in first person and in third it looked cool too.
Maximus if you prefer farcry over half-life 2 more why dont you go on the farcry board your arguing that farcry is better on a hl2 board, how dumb is that?
its been discussed now shutup will you guys stop trashing my country would you like if i made forums saying OMG AMERICA SUCKS SO MUCH YOU GOT A MONKEY FOR PRESIDENT.No now have the decency to not criticize mine so what if they sell it on discs Russia just doesnt have very good internet...
Why not dump everything on terrorism eh? Ya know september 11th doesnt necisarily have to be "Turrorism" as george bush says, they didnt catch any of the organizers or anything.
Great Bush wants to go to moon when people are ****ing dieng of hunger. All this crap isn't because he plans on doing it he just wants to be relected so that he can continue assaulting small countries and bringing "freedom".
Frank stfu.
Sorry but ive been there and it mgiht be true that there are a few illegal things but thats way underground.Most things i bought are legal here just cost a bit less.
If you want to insult my country im going to roll out 3 pages of whats wrong with yours if you really want...