What are they doing now?

CrazyHarij said:
I bet they're laughing their asses off at this thread.

I hope so as this shit is funny. I'm always surprised at the offense some take about a damn game.

People have to get some actual lives. Sure I'm half into games and it'll be a great game when it comes out, but honestly there's multiple wars continuing over East, people are starving and being brutally murdered over trivial garbage every second. This huge debate over a gaming company somehow owing the 'community' something is such a living waste.
Kincaid said:
I hope so as this shit is funny. I'm always surprised at the offense some take about a damn game.

People have to get some actual lives. Sure I'm half into games and it'll be a great game when it comes out, but honestly there's multiple wars continuing over East, people are starving and being brutally murdered over trivial garbage every second. This huge debate over a gaming company somehow owing the 'community' something is such a living waste.
And if we start debating gaming companies, Wars will be stoped? people will stop killing people?!
We are just making what make us happy, its because of "happyness" that life is a good thing, so, i am not going to stop being happy and doing things that make me happy just because people are sad, of course if we can help people, we will, but in today standards, just one thing helps "PEOPLE" $$$
Illusion said:
And if we start debating gaming companies, Wars will be stoped? people will stop killing people?!
We are just making what make us happy, its because of "happyness" that life is a good thing, so, i am not going to stop being happy and doing things that make me happy just because people are sad, of course if we can help people, we will, but in today standards, just one thing helps "PEOPLE" $$$

If b*tching about things makes you happy...
Kincaid said:
People have to get some actual lives.
Fat bloody chance!! :LOL:

Until then i and many other people will continue to be over dramatic about such relatively small issues.
LOL, where did all the Trolls come from suddenly? Looks like Santa gave out too much candy for Christmas, they are all getting over excited, or should I say OVER EXCITED :rolleyes: The amount of babytalk and rattle throwing in this thread is highly amusing.

I think that Valve did the right thing with regard to CZ. They could of released it and no doubt sold a lot of units regardless of the so so reviews, but Valve aren't interested in shipping a mediocre game. With HL they could of shipped the game a year before it eventually hit the shelves, but they weren't satisfied with how it played, so they reworked it and polished it until they were happy that it was the game they envisaged.

Judging by the reviews of CZ I saw, it pretty much seemed that the game was a game of 2 halves. The reviewers were all impressed with the Valve side of things, whereby they basically made an offline version of CS available to players with very good Bot AI, but were deeply dissappointed by the gearbox/Ritual side of things which proved to be a poorly created 18 mission campaign with little rhyme or reason. The Turtle studio guys have been brought in to basically polish up the Gearbox/Ritual campaign debacle till it reaches an acceptable standard are far as Valve are concerned (judging by the reviews that might take some time).

kkevin666 said:
I personally think the hacker got ALL valve had

they simply released a tech demo at e3

i think HL2 is bullshitware

LOL, having obtained the 'beta' (all 3.59 GB of it) I can safely report that the hacker (or HaX0r to you) certainly didn't get all of what Valve had. The build significantly predates the E3 Videos in detail (significantly context skyboxes and textures) as well as missing levels, that are clearly visible in early screenshots.

PS: The material physics system pisses over that in DX:IW and MP2 from a great height, and the facial animations are just spookily realistic. The final game is going to be great fun :D
kkevin666 said:
I personally think the hacker got ALL valve had

they simply released a tech demo at e3

i think HL2 is bullshitware

You think too much,

and you know far too little.
"Originally Posted by kkevin666
I personally think the hacker got ALL valve had

they simply released a tech demo at e3

i think HL2 is bullshitware"

You think too much,

and you know far too little.
Today 02:36 PM

That would be great in a sig lol.
Kadayi Polokov said:
LOL, having obtained the 'beta' (all 3.59 GB of it) I can safely report that the hacker (or HaX0r to you) certainly didn't get all of what Valve had. The build significantly predates the E3 Videos in detail (significantly context skyboxes and textures) as well as missing levels.

PS: The material physics system pisses over that in DX:IW and MP2 from a great height, and the facial animations are just spookily realistic. The final game is going to be great fun :D
This thread motivated me to download the beta, and I did. I wanted to kill off that anxiety i feel when i'm waiting for a game. I feel so calm about it now. I'm a geek with no life. Now all the anxst, nervousness and hype is gone for me. I can load up an extremely incomplete version of HL2 and kill the urge to play the game! Yay! Thankyou hacker :) Otherwise i'd be trolling these boards for the next few months trying to extract every bit of information. :bounce: It's damn annoying being a hardcore gamer. Especially when release dates are so ambiguos.

And what about Respect?!!?! Yes, even just from playing the beta you can see the game will be pure class. I was stuffing around in those techdemo levels for a couple of hours. It's fun playing with the physics.
Please don't post things like that!

I am insanely tempted as it is!

AND I have god damned exams so I can't afford to be distracted too much!

Me going crazzie here! ;(
Mr-Fusion said:
This thread motivated me to download the beta, and I did. I wanted to kill off that anxiety i feel when i'm waiting for a game. I feel so calm about it now. I'm a geek with no life. Now all the anxst, nervousness and hype is gone for me. I can load up an extremely incomplete version of HL2 and kill the urge to play the game! Yay! Thankyou hacker :) Otherwise i'd be trolling these boards for the next few months trying to extract every bit of information. :bounce: It's damn annoying being a hardcore gamer. Especially when release dates are so ambiguos.

And what about Respect?!!?! Yes, even just from playing the beta you can see the game will be pure class. I was stuffing around in those techdemo levels for a couple of hours. It's fun playing with the physics.

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. I wouldn't advise anyone to attempt to 'play' the beta, because it is so incomplete, and does contain storyline elements. But messing around with aspects like the physics has done nothing but increase my desire for the final product, because as a rough cut it hints at HL²'s potential greatness because of it's overall roundedness.
Mr-Fusion said:
Fat bloody chance!! :LOL:

Until then i and many other people will continue to be over dramatic about such relatively small issues.

haha. That was seriously a great response.
Haven't got time to read through all the pages but let me just say my opinion.

People who have been registered here since may 2003 and have been active in the forums have gone through much more. Valve promised us way back when that they are going to release the source videos of HL2, it was delayed a few couple of times (say 5-7) not to mention when they finally started to release them...they released them one at about 2 weeks or so...and then Erik's baby got born and a release was delayed by about a month...and then they forgot to give us the last 2 movie. My point is that people have come to not trust valve way before the HL2 and CZ delays.

CZ is nothing more than CS1.5 with stupid bots. I think valve realized that they will spend money mass producing CZ and the profit will not be so good, if any.

My view on HL2 is that they are either going to release it early in the year or wait until E3 and make a comeback with a new movie. I also suspect that they went right back in the alpha stage where they will allow themselves to add new features and remake stuff they didnt think possible with a release dateline. In the end we will get a much better game.

The people that I feel sorry about are the ones who brought a new computer specifically for HL2(which I almost did too) or a new vid card.

As a final point 2004 will be a great year for gaming in whatever way you look at it, prepare yourselfes!
Why doesnt steam have those movies anymore all i got is 1st and 3rd one now.
Lavrik said:
Why doesnt steam have those movies anymore all i got is 1st and 3rd one now.

Bandwidth issues on Steam's release. You can download them all over though.
i dunno about u guys but im really craving some HL2 news right about now...
Damn Valve...btw, new forums layout sucks. I mean, Gamma is cool but this theme is horrible.
what are they doing now?
the same thing they do every night pinky

[[LuCkY]] said:
Damn Valve...btw, new forums layout sucks. I mean, Gamma is cool but this theme is horrible.

yeah the layout of the posts in the threads isn't very ergonomic...having to look at the avatars when all you want to read is the text, makes the threads a mess to read through...

My favourite forums ever were the good ol ones at www.mmorpg.net... Not the default shitty ugly, wooden layout. Register n fiddle it up a bit. Damn that is a sexy bitch.