You can find everything but the kitchen sink dumpster diving!
I'm lying! one time I found a kitchen sink!
Seriously though, I'm pretty sure its illegal and if not its frowned upon by most businesses. not to mention the fact that if you're looking for stuff, you'll probably throw a bunch...
ATI 128MB AGP Video Card with RADEON 9600 XT 3D Chip
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Xbox LIVE 12-month Starter Kit
Halo 2
Knights of the Old Republic 2
EZMedia 430W PowerSupply
ATP 128MB Multimedia Card
Because valve didn't go out of their way to make the game scalable down to directx 7.0
Maybe you should check around and find out if there's a patch for your problem. I'm running a consideribly lower video card and I had absolutely no problems.
It says coming soon, and they never gave a timeframe that I'm aware of for it.
You paid for a package that included it that clearly states when available, So I don't think you have much to whine about.
Omg I bet he has the warez copy and thats the problem!11one+shift
Seriously though, as bliink said, hit new game and start a red letter day over, and if you used impulse 101 I think that gives you the suit, therefore you wouldn't be able to get it.