Just letting everyone know that there is going to be a LAN on August 7th in Upstate NY.
Go to www.lan-festivus.com for details.
(I'm not running this LAN, we just need some people to come to fill some spots.)
Maybe I will see you there :)
BTW Synth, don't take my comments too personally... they are more directed to the site than you, unless you agree with the rules... even the pointless ones.
As for my "legitimate" reasons for thinking that the game will ship with HL2 themed MP:
-Valve said that they started CS:S in January...
Ive been asking at the EBGames in the mall where i work (in Sears), and they keep telling me that it is going to be available on the fourth. I really don't want to buy from them because they seem so arrogant... when I first asked, one guy looked at the other guy, and the other guy said...
Agree... I mean, i want people basing their mods off of HL2DM, not CS:S. People should get HL2, play some HL2DM, get some cool ideas, make upgrades of HL2DM, then evolve into a completely new mod progressively. I don't want a million people that ONLY LIKE CS to be the only people...
think about it... they aren't going to make you have the game installed before the beta is released, because you could own CZ now and not have it installed yet, the beta comes out, 5 mins after it is released you install CZ and it won't let you join the beta because you installed CZ after the...