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  1. CptHawkeye

    Review our movies?

    Thanks again! This is exactly the motivation we need to get moving on the next production. Any criticisms?
  2. CptHawkeye

    Review our movies?

    Thank you Thanks so much for the comments. I agree that more effort needs to be put into our story department. This movie started basically because we were bored, and it slowly melded together into what it is (i.e., the fork scene was shot 6 months ago). But I will definitely take that to...
  3. CptHawkeye

    Review our movies?

    Hey all, I'm sure most of you dont know me but I've been lurking around the forums for a while. Mostly for the off-topic, I find some weird stuff on here :smoking: Anyways, long story short, my friends and I have a film studio called Friggin Tiggar Productions. We've been making movies for...
  4. CptHawkeye

    What to do in a terrorist situation!-LMAO!!!

    Stolen Stolen from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. They did that bit a year ago. As a huge fan, that website kind of pisses me off.
  5. CptHawkeye

    Free (old) games website?

    thanks Thanks Dedalus, but you're wrong. Better luck next time. Filerush was it, thanks again.
  6. CptHawkeye

    Free (old) games website?

    Got it! Thats it! Thanks man, now I've got a followup, from the same problem (the format) I know there was a site which just listed hundreds of bittorrents that were being downloaded by people currently. I need to know this cause I lost my video editing software cd *smacks self* and need to...
  7. CptHawkeye

    Free (old) games website?

    Nope, not quite Cool site buts its not what I remember. THe site I'm talking about, I was able to download System Shock not too long ago. Its like for games that have now been abandoned by their developers. Anyone know?>
  8. CptHawkeye

    Free (old) games website?

    I know there is a site out there that has all sorts of older games available for free download, but I lost the link when I reformatted. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  9. CptHawkeye

    Open call for help- Building a PC

    OK Ok thanks I'm learning little by little, but to save as much money as possible I want to move EVERYTHING I CAN from my old PC to my new one, meaning CR-RW drive and DVD drive, floppy drive, sound card, everything. I'm just a little nervous about whether or not its all gonna come together...
  10. CptHawkeye

    Open call for help- Building a PC

    Hey all, first post here, great forums I've been reading for a while. Anyways, I just got a parttime job, so now I have (limited) money, I'm eagerly anticipating HL2 as I'm a huge fan, but my comps not gonna be able to take it well: P4 1.4 gigz 512mb RDram Geforce 3 64mb As you can...