Which is worth more? The cheese sandwich or the guy holding the cheese sandwich, the right answer gets you a free sandwich of your own and a secret prize.
Ugh, my confidence was dealt a blow today, and my self-esteem was less than usual today. First i woke up just feeling utterly sad. Luckily my friends and i went to a baseball game.
Everything was running smooth, met this odd can collecting fellow who gave us weed, but anyway, thats when a...
I'm trying, thats the hard part. While it is true it is one of my bigger fears, its not entirely the root of the problem i think, but it is a large contributor. This whole weekend i've been trying to think differently in terms of myself, so far...a little progress, but progress is progress...
wooo, lets go down the list...
-Possession of the following: Weed (most i had was a large ziploc bag filled to the brim, don't remember the weight though, so it would count as intent to sell), shrooms, ecstacy, acid. Out of those i only did weed and shrooms.
Actually, this is somewhat true, and what i try to believe. Sometimes people just take things too seriously, perhaps they should...lighten up. But really, sometimes i think its best to look at things from a less serious standpoint, it just makes things feel better.
I am 20 years old. I have...
Self-Esteem and confidence is something that i have learned to be important. The problem is...i have little to almost no self-esteem, seriously, which leads to no confidence in myself. I can never conceive myself as anything good, or feel i can do anything right, even when i do something right...
I have had several dream jobs...
Comedian/Actor: I've gotten numerous compliments about my ability to act, and my ability to make people laugh, but i don't ever think i'd make it with the professionals.
Professional Skateboarder: I wish, if i had the skill. I know a lot of skaters, i grew up...
I just got back from Yosemite...this is for Dinner!
Some campers just don't listen to anybody when they say STORE YOUR ****IN FOOD PROPERLY! At every corner...