What I want to know is how you people figure this stuff out?
It is like you spend many hours sifting through sites to find this gman pic, and then what on earth made you input 'barnacle'?
uhh, isn't that the leaked script?
I didn't read it for fear of spoilers, but that is what it seemed to be...a warning would be nice for others i think, if it is indeed the script.
lol...'hacking his account is a felony..'
That is rich.
Except the guy did not 'hack' anything...he just capitilied off of Gabe/Valves poor security methods....remember about a year ago people? owned by outlook?
It is updated dynamically and realistically.....basically, it looks really, really, nice. :D
I am looking for some screens (dont really do it justice...)
Well, if CS:S in its current state *is* a representation of what Source has to offer, then yes, I am dissapointed. There is no denying the textures, esp. the ground, are way too bland.
I believe that CS:S is *not* currently the best example of what Source can do. The shader...
Except that this is not an error.
Unless Valve makes every object server side, which is too heavy on bandwidth (think why there are no real physics in Far Cry MP), then this will happen when you play with HL2 games online.