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  1. S

    I saw the scans of PC Games's on HL2 Fallout...

    In "hl2_fulldemo_e32004" you see the skeleton thingys, they move fast from what i saw.
  2. S

    The Anatomy of a HeadCrab

    this is a little off topic but does anyone have a good picture of a headcrab?
  3. S

    how old are you guys??

    wow, there are people 5-10..... 18 here.
  4. S

    HL2 Ragdoll

    what station is max x on?
  5. S

    Unlocking Half-Life 2 O_O

    ¿ ¿
  6. S

    The G-Man

    We should play the game "Who can spot him the most".
  7. S

    The G-Man Look. you'll see what i'm refering to
  8. S

    The G-Man

    I read the first post and thought, was the gman on another train at the begining? or somewhere else along the line. i don't remember seeing him.
  9. S

    wtf? Half-Life movie?

    if you look at the page and they both have the same director.
  10. S

    wtf? Half-Life movie?

    someone stated in another thread that that is not really the guy.
  11. S

    wtf? Half-Life movie?

    I take back the everyone part, just the people that posted about it. and that was not a flame.
  12. S

    wtf? Half-Life movie?

    I think it is quite funny how everyone automatically thought it was about the game.
  13. S

    wtf? Half-Life movie?

    rofl, it is not even about the game. Weird.
  14. S

    Preload stuck at 88%

    I said that worked for me. I didn't say that it would definitely work for someone else.
  15. S

    Preload stuck at 88%

    click pause then continue. that worked for me
  16. S


    oh yeah, liam, thanks for that reminder. i forgot about that. Who should I believe.... :borg: I guess i should believe the majority ;)
  17. S


    This might have been asked somewhere along the line but... ...Where does Gordon keep all his weapons? I see no pockets or backpack! :imu:
  18. S

    is the new HL2 pc gamer issue in stores yet?

    or you could just subscribe to pc gamer, worth it.
  19. S

    Have you played Half-life?

    When i beat Nihilanth i just blew all the crystals went behind a rock and saved. then everytime i was portaled i just reloaded and went for the head.