Preload stuck at 88%

Nope, me too. Removing older preload files and starting over doesn't work either.
I dunno why you guys are buying it off Steam. Retail rocks :)
Than ks...And steam will let me play whenever they unlock it...when do they do that?
Abdi said:
I dunno why you guys are buying it off Steam. Retail rocks :)

Because I don't have to walk my lazy ass to the store, I get to play as soon as it is released. If you like CS, you get that now.

Hmmm, yes, why?
It happened to me too...I just canceled my preload and started all over and it still did it like twice then it finally worked. :(
PvtRyan said:
If I click Pause, Continue does nothing.

I said that worked for me. I didn't say that it would definitely work for someone else.
Mine has got stuck 4 times now, it's not good at all considering I don't have a DVD player (can't get the retail) and I'm relying on Steam to be able to play this game...
Mine keeps getting stuck all the time as well. Now I went and deleted one of the cache files, it started preloading again and then stopped. Sure hope this isn´t a re-occuring issue.
If this is happening to you, please just leave it that way for now. You've likely got all the data, and it is just reporting it incorrectly. We're working on an update to fix that, but in the meantime, please don't delete your cache files just to make it go up to 100%

Quoted because some people don't seem to have read this.
Yeah... great... now they tell me.

When I asked this same question on those forums before (like 2 days ago), I was told to delete some cache files.
Valve knows about this and will be releasing an update to fix it before HL2 comes out.

In the meantime, just sit tight.
Btw. This happened to me once. I then figured I did'nt actually have enough space on that hard drive partition - deleted stuff - re-started steam - heypresto, it started up again.
I´ve got plenty of space. Now I just need the bugfix.

Can anyone with the preloading complete tell me what files I´m supposed to have, and how big they are?
When you have pre-loaded it it will be able be unlocked from a CD/DVD, right?
The 88% thing is a bug in steam, not in its ability to download all the files, but in its ability to tell when its done. It is actually at 100%, it just says 88% for users who have not installed cs:s yet.

*edit* late
I got the same problem, except mine went all the way up to 100%, then when I restarted steam it said 88%.
Like I said, its not at 88%. the bug is in the reporting, not in the acutal downloading.
I got the same problem, except mine went all the way up to 100%, then when I restarted steam it said 88%.
Yep, same here. This morning.

Now we just got to wait for the update. I seriously hope they´re able to fix this in 3 weeks.
I had this problem too, but then I purchased through Steam and all of a sudden off it went again! That was my solution, may not work for anyone else!