So "de" stands for defuse? Interesting... why the word def... oh. A bomb map, huh? Well, it only took me about seven years to figure that out, lol, n00b! Although I didn't play CS for a while.
Hmm... not very many servers yet. I am on dialup so they all ping very badly right now. Maybe when some more local servers are up I can play. I have it installed though :thumbs:
Oh yeah... I just love the fast zombies. They creep me out, but in a sorta fun way. I don't like the antlions, though. So scary with their screaming. Seriously, I don't like the sound on with them around. I avoid the sand as much as possible.
Or a basic economics class. The market is always driven to equilibrium! Supply and demand dictate the price. If people didn't want it so badly, then they would have to lower the price so that they would sell. A lower price would not help them because, believe it or not, supply is always...
Yeah... I don't like that. My dad bought me HL2 in a store for christmas before I even knew about steam. He obviously could have bough me the collector's edition, but I didn't really ask for it and I didn't know it was important either. Damn.
1. You may need a better power supply than that. Yes, it has ample wattage, but that is not everything.
2. I don't think you need both a 16x DVD-ROM and a cd burner. I have seen combo drives that cost about the price of one of those. You will be paying twice as much for no reason...
Hmmm... Internet Explorer only seems to be 1.73MB. Oh well, I guess they have the rest integrated into the OS or something. FF is 16MB, so I guess 4MB is good, but I'm not sure it really matters. It's too small to make a difference for me.
299 errors? pwned!
Edit: I just used that on a...
It could be because it's actually a "pop-under"... it loads in the background and not on top of the current window. I know, I think I'll order my free PSP right now! lol
the ppu will go into pci-e 1x - 4x slots. Of course intel loves this, they will probably integrate it into one of their uber-cored processors within the next decade.
My CS:S also has the red "ERROR" the video stress test. As far as that goes, I have heard that it is an error with Valve that I'm guessing they will fix soon. I don't get any of those other errors though, so I'm not sure.