I was thinking about it earlier and came to the conclusion that the delay is due to the leak also, it all makes sense.
That means that if these asswipes hadnt done this we quite possibly would be playing the game right now...
uh oh...anger rising...Rising.. RISING!........ooh donuts
what im most looking forward to is cutting that little plastic tape tab on the top of the box...after that its all downhill pretty quick...why isnt that an option? :P
You people citing the delay as a reason for not helping need to STFU ...yeah i was a little miffed about confirming the delay 6 days before the 30th but the game is still coming out...By refusing to help you are only helping to delay it even more so grow up please.
this is sounding more and more likely...ive heard almost the exact same story from at least 5 sources...thats pretty convincing...im just hoping for a steam release at least
he said:
I wonder if you or anyone on the forum can identify the equations that fly past. (There are clues in the set of demo movies.)
i wonder if these equations he talks about might reveal info about the release date? or the gold date maybe.