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  1. tim8604

    Best avatars, your vote

    The problem is all the colors, that's what's taking up so much room.
  2. tim8604

    Best avatars, your vote

    the problem is his design is weird and has odd colors. Also, i've had much bigger animations than this as my avatar, remember my christmas one? :P
  3. tim8604

    Best avatars, your vote

    Weird how it's not taking it, i'll try saving it from a different program. It looks a lot better when on the blue background, not on the white:
  4. tim8604

    I'm still the same guy

    I'm not sure exactly how I came up with it. All I know is I wanted something no one else would have so when my friends searched for me on gametiger, I'd be the only one to show up. So I was just looking at this site and I saw technique, and some guy abbreviated it as teq, and valence was just...
  5. tim8604

    I'm still the same guy

    Well also I changed it because when I joined game servers my steam account is valteq so no one would believe I was tim8604 from the site, and it's annoying to type all the numbers in all the time haha.
  6. tim8604

    I'm still the same guy

    well I changed it from tim8604 because people were telling me it was boring to just have my names and some numbers behind it, but apparently people liked it better as it was before?
  7. tim8604

    The Last Laugh

    Maybe I should make my sig bigger :D
  8. tim8604

    Best avatars, your vote

    It was kind of tricky, so it kinda came out like crap. Oh well.
  9. tim8604

    jail scene

    It's been a while, i'm looking for the textures now though :).
  10. tim8604

    Best avatars, your vote

    I'm on it, give me a minute :).
  11. tim8604

    jail scene

    Did you just decide to do this randomly, or did you see the old 3d wip thread from a LONG time ago? I didn't end up getting too far unfortunately. I got too bored to finish. Yours is looking good though, good luck.
  12. tim8604

    The Last Laugh

    I like it a lot. Also I agree with Farrowlesparrow about the sad face. I noticed that before I saw his post.
  13. tim8604

    Best avatars, your vote

    I like all the custom animated avatars ;).
  14. tim8604

    I'm still the same guy

    Just in case you guys were wondering, i'm still tim8604...just with a new name. My old name didn't have any personality, and was pretty boring. So this is just a little announcement to let you guys know so you won't be surprised when you see me around here, since i'm still your friendly...
  15. tim8604

    Majoring in CS?

    Just a little update, i've decided i'm going to switch to Computer Science and i'm going to visit the Natural Sciences Dean's office once school starts up to switch my major. I am somewhat worried about all of the math and physics classes though.. Wish me luck ;).
  16. tim8604

    New Artworks 2

    The second one reminds me of army of darkness ;). They look great.
  17. tim8604

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 23 Discussion

    talk away ;)
  18. tim8604

    For anyone who uses max: Free realistic Flame/smoke/dust shader

    Wow man, that looks fantastic. I don't personally use 3dsmax but I'm sure a lot of people here would love to use this. Mind if I move it to the modeling section? This post could really be in either section since it is art, but also 3d. I think you'd have a better response in there though...
  19. tim8604

    Weekly Art Contest: Week 23

    WEEKLY ART CONTEST: WEEK 23 Formally known as the Weekly Photoshop Contest Congratulations to dux^ for winning last week's contest with 37.31% of the vote! This is a regular contest on the boards. Every week a staff/forum member will choose a topic, then you show off your image...
  20. tim8604

    Majoring in CS?

    I'm pretty sure if I went into cs i'd also major in some kind of visual arts major as well. I have a pretty big background in 3d modeling / animation, along with web / print graphics from a small company I used to run. I figure by having a vast knowledge of 3d and CS, it would look pretty good...