Yea it is super arcade but the helicopters aren't THAT hard to control. Wish I had a PS2 still though, and I know the new AC game is looking bad (pretty sure you pointed that out yourself.)
I found a post on Universe of Metro 2033 that linked to this video -
Claiming that it would be released in Russia this fall and globally soon after.
Also found this site, but I can't get the video/demo/whatever it is to work...
Just picked up this game Apache Air Assault, some sort of a Boeing military helicopter flight/combat simulator (though it entirely realistic). It's a really fun game, and I'm surprised since this is probably my first "flight simulation" game. I was thinking about going and picking up a airplane...
Yea guys can't we all just get along and look at funny/interesting/weird pictures in peace? If not we might lose the image dump forever, just like misc!
How does one find this chatroom? I have the app and searched but got no results. Hell I don't get any results for anything I search for....
There's already a Counter-Strike on the original Xbox.
Wonder if this is a move/hint towards another 'box' game. Maybe combining CS:GO, HL3, Portal 2 and something else....
So I've put off installing Windows Vista Service Pack 1 for some time now but decided to do it today. It told me to restart to apply the update and the first step went well. However now I'm staring at a black screen that says ! ! 0xc01a001d ! ! 37231/90234...
Well those responsible are gone, but someone else is just going to take their place. A little worried this will just further a retaliation/more attacks by the Taliban.