The only thing I fault C&C3 with is for screwing with the established lore but the gameplay and aesthetics(except for the Tiberium) were pretty spot on I felt.
And let's just not talk about Red Alert 3.
Well, sure, but the mutant commando missions in TS made me break many a mouse.
I actually never got around to beating TD so I can't say much about it.
But, the original Red Alert now that I think about it was pretty damn hard too with the stealth missions and all.
And absolutely nothing of value was lost, he was a ****ing lunatic.
Also, sweet Jesus that's a lot of reaction images in one post.
Keep fighting the good fight, dog.
Great series.
Huge fan of the Tiberian universe, Tiberian Sun in particular was hard as balls.
Also, if you want to play Renegade online using the Westwood Online system then follow the directions here.
I actually preferred the movie's ending over the comic's.
And seriously, it was pretty damn faithful. Fight scenes or no, there weren't necessarily that many of them to detract from the overall message.
Having seen the Director's Cut that extends the run time to about 3 1/2 hours with the...
It was a pretty faithful adaptation of the graphic novel apart from some ridiculous over-stylized fight sequences and odd music placement but whatevs bro.
That whole September sequence reminded me a lot of the Dr. Manhattan origin scene in the Watchmen movie with the monotone delivery and surreal feeling of it all.