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  1. BabyHeadCrab

    Long time...

    hey guys, how we doin?
  2. BabyHeadCrab


  3. BabyHeadCrab

    is this where the journey continues?

    is this where the journey continues?
  4. BabyHeadCrab


  5. BabyHeadCrab

    HL: Alyx announcement trailer

  6. BabyHeadCrab

    HL: Alyx announcement trailer

    I guess I just mean to say that there's no official canon in the disney sense, Valve doesn't do any gate-keeping. If they want to change the story retroactively (retcon) that's fair game because there is no person to say that any particular game or piece of half-life media is "official story /...
  7. BabyHeadCrab

    TF2's Sinking Ship

    Every dog has his day. Hats didn't kill TF2, time did. Streaming era: Team Shooter --> MOBA --> Hero Shooter --> Battle Royales --> ??? What's our next move, oh so discerning public?
  8. BabyHeadCrab

    HL: Alyx announcement trailer

    Seeing as Half-Life has no official canon, there's no such thing as canon--they can do whatever they want and create a universe apart from Half-Life 2
  9. BabyHeadCrab

    Black Mesa is probably the best Half-Life game.

    I wish this forum was a thing again
  10. BabyHeadCrab

    Black Mesa is probably the best Half-Life game.

    Have y'all finished it? There's no official HL cannon so the title is fine, thanks. "We don’t get involved in issues of canonicity. You might say that canon itself is non-canon. So, no official stance, there’s just the games." the age old proof...
  11. BabyHeadCrab

    Half Life: Alyx to be Epic Games Store exclusive.

    Love Beckett though, love yours
  12. BabyHeadCrab

    Half Life: Alyx to be Epic Games Store exclusive.

    Hey Chase what's up love you :')
  13. BabyHeadCrab

    Half Life: Alyx to be Epic Games Store exclusive.

    Been reading a lot of Twitter, looks like they're moving to exclusivity with the Epic Games Store as a way to get a better revenue cut. Epic scores another biggie! #HL3 #LAUNCHERS. Looking forward to booting up my Epic Games Launcher and playing a lil' HL:A on my Google Cardboard! Cheers my...
  14. BabyHeadCrab

    what is it pathos?

    Why is Valve refusing to accept it's going to be like the TV market. You NEED exclusives now, you have to use that money you have left to KEEP DEVELOPERS.
  15. BabyHeadCrab

    RIP Valve, Epic here we go!

    This stratification is a growing pain and happens in every media form, to be an avid TV watcher you need no less than 3 services. In theory this should be good for the consumer, but I don't really think it is going to be. All I know is a part of thinks Valve asked for it. They kind of got run...
  16. BabyHeadCrab


    Hey my dudes, So traffic... is what it's at. The people left, true loyalists. What if there was a way to redirect, to reinvigorate interest in gaming software and bring some folk back, along with some new blood. Open discussion.
  17. BabyHeadCrab

    What are we to make of this?

    Metro disappears and reappears on another launcher along with TWD: Final Season... is this just a passing thing? Is this kind of market proliferation and competition good? This is some true punctuation on the end of an era. How exactly is this any more or less fair than virtually stealing the...
  18. BabyHeadCrab

    RIP Valve, Epic here we go!

    @-smash- @Hectic Glenn @Barnz Revising OP as I was intoxicated (imagine bhc doing that) but what are some thoughts on this? ed: can you not edit thread titles on XF? I'd be happy to change it.
  19. BabyHeadCrab

    RIP Valve, Epic here we go!

    Update: Epic scores Division 2, The Walking Dead: Final Season and Metro: Exodus as exclusives Valve has very forthrightly spoken toward the issue directly on the Metro store page: I was trolling at first but this is becoming a real thing.
  20. BabyHeadCrab

    ARG or Easter Egg found inside Danger Zone update

    What if Valve made a game that wasn't cards in the next ten years :O