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  1. Daggett

    Which Episode did you like better? (spoiler thread)

    episode 2 fursure. there was more action. and most of all, the story line went BOOM way bigger in episode 2 than it did in episode 1.
  2. Daggett

    autistic kid goes missing

    did anyone hear about this autistic kid that his parents let go hiking alone in the woods of West Virgina, and now he is lost. what stupid parenting.
  3. Daggett

    final battle

    i guess the battle was a little repetitive, but while playing i found hardly any time to sit and thing about what they were doing wrong. i enjoyed the constant running around blowing things up, running over hunters. gah! personally, i thought it was great
  4. Daggett

    [] - Kablooey!

    heyo, i asked to be on the team. i would love to play with you guys and am down to play whenever.
  5. Daggett

    Is it possible G-Man is Gordon?

    abortions are totally in these days
  6. Daggett

    Favourite half-life2 episode moment.

    when dog throws the van over the gap and you kinda roller coaster your way down a ways. reloaded that wayyy to many times.
  7. Daggett

    Raise your hand if you can't stop listening to the ending song.

    i find myself humming it to myself while sitting in class. i feel like such a loser
  8. Daggett

    Is it possible G-Man is Gordon?

    Well, whatever happens in episode 3, it wont really matter much to me. i mean, sure i would really enjoy it if g-man would turn out to be the future of Gordon, but to be honest, no matter what Valve puts in the game, i will enjoy. So my only question is, why the hell do we have to wait so long...
  9. Daggett

    what you do when you are really stressed

    a nicely packed bowl usually gets the job done. but if thats not an option, music helps too
  10. Daggett

    Which Internet Browser do you use?

    firefox. cause i dont care to change after using it for so long now
  11. Daggett

    So Who Here Drinks?

    i party on the weekends. what do u think i'm gonna do, study.. pshh
  12. Daggett

    [] TF2 Clan: Info & Signup

    SteamID: Daggett Xfire: Kaiknutz Nationality: US (GMT-5)