I didn't find The Hangover to be all that funny anyway. The movie ran with the "lol random shit happening I bet you'd never expect this haha lol tiger chinese man in trunk roofies floories mike tyson lol haha" too much.
I just got really excited. With a little more information, I just might preorder. I just might do it.
Also, A+ to Stig for derailing a page and a half.
Terminator 2: nofatebutwhatwemake/10 (9/10)
It is better than the first one. Admit it. You know it's true, you're just afraid to actually say it. It's less serious, more summer action filmy and less grimdark; sure, but it has a heart this time around.
The little scenes with Furlong and...
Stand By Me: 9/10
If I had to describe this movie with a comparison, it'd say it's like The Breakfast Club, only younger.
This movie's been on my list to see for a while now. It's one of the those things where once you finally watch it, you think to yourself "Man, why did I wait so long?" This...