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  1. Z|insane

    Thread for Gmail invites

    Syn^opsIs has one
  2. Z|insane

    Thread for Gmail invites

    f0rked's got one now. oldagerocker, try updating IE.
  3. Z|insane

    Thread for Gmail invites

    PM me your First Name Surname and a valid email address I got 6.
  4. Z|insane

    I'm curious---- how many preloaded

    Its been too busy for me...
  5. Z|insane

    Evil Genius Demo Tommorw

  6. Z|insane

    Nice avatars to get

    Wow your right... :eek::eek:
  7. Z|insane

    Missing Mods today

    YAY!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  8. Z|insane

  9. Z|insane

    WoW Stress test ..who's in?

    Im in!
  10. Z|insane


    Okay now I need help... My motherboard supports 400 Mhz ram. Why is this running at 200?
  11. Z|insane


    RAM: 4x DIMM Dual Channel DDR400/333/266 Max 4GB DDR 400 is 3200 So get that.
  12. Z|insane


    Whats your mobo? The 4400 is faster yet if your mobo cant handle it, it will clock down to the max the mobo supports.
  13. Z|insane

    A Morrowind thread: post your character screenshots and show em off :)

    Dark Elf, whats your mod pack at now. If you dont mind me asking?
  14. Z|insane

    Hypothetically speaking...

    9800 pro!! You can always LAN for multiplayer.
  15. Z|insane

    Hypothetically speaking...

    *Puts on glasses* .... OOOOOOOOOO 9800 pro GET GET GET!! Seriously though, its your choice, multiplayer or single.. what do you prefer
  16. Z|insane

    ATI driver uninstall

    CATALYST is the name of the drivers for ATI's Radeon Series.
  17. Z|insane

    Hypothetically speaking...

    Umm I am confused here... Isnt that the same card? Edit: Never clicked the link. I would go for the 9600, if you prefer single player games. But if you want multi get DSL
  18. Z|insane


    Allright my friend got some ram specificly This one. (He got it because it was cheaper then the 3200. His mobo clocks the ram down to 3200. Now he wants another stick at 3200, what we tried to do was go through the store.kingston site and buy through the farcry premotion. They wont take...
  19. Z|insane

    What are some rare SNES games?

    SECRET OF MANA, Super Mario RPG.
  20. Z|insane

    gorden freeman= Fundamentalist smurf

    Chicken-Fried Smurf