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  1. Javert

    The Oscars: Place your bets

    Posted this on video thread too. Some light humor for those wishing that avatar won instead.!v=Q_oaCq6PCF4
  2. Javert

  3. Javert

    Batman Arkham Asylum 2 :D

    That will only get you so far. I thought Arkham Asylum was excellent. I got thrills and chills throwing batarangs, zip-lining, gliding, and sneaking on top of gargoyles.
  4. Javert

    8800gt anyone

    I still have my 8800 GT, and it's treating me well. Handled Batman: AA with a breeze.
  5. Javert

    Black Friday Deals

    I know is doing some aggressive price-matching on their electronics, books, and movies/music. Check back later if you see something cheaper advertised in stores that's not as cheap at amazon. For example, the Matrix 10th Anniversary Blu-ray (just the 1st movie of course) dropped...
  6. Javert

    Black Friday Deals is also a good resource for Black Friday deals. I don't know what I'm going to get, maybe a laptop or Blu-Ray player. I just don't get why some blu-ray players are $99 and some $200.
  7. Javert


    Music from Civ IV.
  8. Javert

    The CoD:MW2 MEGA Thread

    You probably know this, but there's a random chance of obtaining the weapons also by time spent playing.
  9. Javert

    Are you going to purchase COD4: MW2 :: The re-count

    Having read everything about what is coming in the COD4:MW2 package, especially in that demoralizing interview, why would any PC gamer buy this?
  10. Javert

    Prepare to shit HUGE bricks

    Got Darth Vader in about 13 questions. The giveaway was "Is he in space?" and "Does he wear a helmet?" Edit: The Joker in 17. Edit2: Got Clarice Starling (from Silence of the Lambs) in 25+, including one wrong guess.
  11. Javert

    Natural Selection 2: The First IN GAME shots

    I'm assuming the people who are criticizing screenshots of NS2 never or only minimally played NS1. I'm wondering whether or not there will be Combat play mode? I know it gets a bad rap, but I always preferred it and the fast pace as opposed to drawn-out NS mode.
  12. Javert


    Something Nathan Fillion/Firefly fans will appreciate: :D
  13. Javert

    What kind of alcohol do you prefer?

    Guinness, followed by Stella. I'd rather take water with lemon than cheap American beer.
  14. Javert

    Post a screenshot!

    No we haven't yet.
  15. Javert

    Games you are looking forward to and games you just don't get the hype for

    After trying the Arkham Asylum demo on my PC, I really want to get it now. At least I have a giftcard for Best Buy I haven't used yet. As for 2010, there's Guild Wars 2 and The Old Republic.
  16. Javert

    Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story trailer

    At least Michael Moore's movies get people off their lazy asses and have them actually stand for a position, for or against. No one cared about outsourcing, gun laws, Iraq War lies, or health care before his movies. They have all become prophetic and it's amusing to hear people continue to say...
  17. Javert

    Funny ass Twitter page

    Haha, nice find. My gf has that on her iphone too and she was showing me last weekend.
  18. Javert

    Michael Jackson's Death a Homicide

    Bill Maher: A good time the government comes between you and your doctor.
  19. Javert

    Coolest trailer

    Have to agree that the Old Republic trailer was the best I've seen this year.
  20. Javert

    Deals, deals, deals at Best Buy! ($10 PC games)

    I'd pick up L4D for $10, if that ever happens. I still have about $45 in Best Buy giftcards that I haven't used yet because I have no games/DVD's to buy.