I played and beat the demo, both missions. For one, it kind of sucks that you dont get guns on your exoskeleton.
the graphics were fairly good, though the animations sucked, and the level designs were uninspired and boring.
And before each level, you got to pick your boss out of this...
I like that idea alot. Or maybe not even specially trained for fighting antlions and xenians, but just out of city combines (not lost or anything, there on purpose) drabbed in green for its surroundings
I agree, terrorism is/was a rather small scale, its been forced into a larger problem by pushing-and-shoving of both sides.
But, it comes down to, a terrorist suicide bomber can kill anywhere from 10-100 people max (on average, some have done more, like 9/11, some have done less, like the idiot...
Erhm... used tampons...? Oh my... I shudder to think.
And I don't think nuking anything, especially not a compilation of high speed wind and water and such, will help. Anyone, ever.
Yes, many have drown, as the water level raised, they went into thier second floors (if they had one), and when it raised again, they went into thier attics, and when it raised again... well alot were trapped and drown in their attics.
They aren't even close to finding the amount of deceased yet.
White poeple were looting too... I found it funny, watching the news stories, how they would show these black fellows breaking into footlockers and taking 80-90 pairs of air jordans, and then they would show these real sharply dressed white guys in shades breaking into pharmacies taking $30,000...
As much as I agree that the idea that mankind solely seems far fetched, the amount of pollution created by mankind is certainly a good portion of the problem.
And I think whatever we do, someday yes, we are doomed, end of the century? Maaaybe not... maybe a bit further, but it's impossible to...
Yes, I said I was out, but I'm replying, so sue me.
Anyway, yes, hurricanes have always been around, but not to the sheer amount and extremity of the ones recently. And if the world continues the work the same way it is, that's pretty much what will happen. The earth will wipe out existance...
Yes well, other don't seem to believe in global warming, but, the only people who will conquer Natural Disasters are survivors who can adapt and change the way, as you say, humans live.
Ah, but as was I, again!
EDIT: This is getting off topic and turning into a flame war I don't really care to much to partake in, I'm out on this topic, said some useless shit. Later. But to be on topic for a second, fact is most countries dont have the ability to help like America did with the...
I was being sarcastic, I'm not going to cry myself to sleep because some guy named "gh0st" on some forums called me out on bad information.
Oh no!
We're talking about Katrina here, a hurricane, not the tsunami. My bad, I mentioned it, I was wrong.
Ouch that was... that was rough. I'm going to cry myself to sleep now.
I have been pwned.
But uhh, if you say no one knows, then how do you know it wasn't?
EDIT: Still got me, though
Bullshit noone cares, you think everyone is that heartless?
And what makes you think an underground earthquake caused a hurricane?
Global warming is why most storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) have been more extreme in the past 10-12 years. Sure, it would have happened anyway, just on a...
I hope you realize that it was the rest of the world that TRIED to help you back in the Kyoto Now project...
for those who are unaware of what that is, I'll explain.
You see, both the tsunami and katrina are the spawn of global warming. The only country to not sign the Kyoto Now project...