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  1. MrWhite

    Marijuana may actually be good for the brain

    Well... ... Yep. EDIT: Err I mean to say... touchée
  2. MrWhite

    Marijuana may actually be good for the brain

    THANK YOU. THANK YOU CHRIST. Now I've been educated a little more, now wouldn't that have been easier in the first place than just calling me a naive idiot (out of context)? I agree with almost all points there, but man, you know stoners, they don't go into all that, they say "Dude... dude...
  3. MrWhite

    US to execute Nobel Peace prize nominee

    Strikes me as a child's idea of justice. An eye for an eye, pffft.
  4. MrWhite

    I'm going to kill myself. ****@!d hadh

    Bump. Sorry to double post but none of you have any idea?
  5. MrWhite

    Half-Life 2: The Lost Coast -- Released

    Won't launch for me either. ALso I have that %account% thing, and it was kicking me off saying I didnt have access rights but I deleted the clientregistry.whateever and it stopped doing that. Yeah... it won't launch, says unavailable.
  6. MrWhite

    US to execute Nobel Peace prize nominee

    Oh can it you hypocrite, you attack people and ignore thire arguments all the time :laugh:
  7. MrWhite

    I'm going to kill myself. ****@!d hadh

    I am, but I HAVE tried switching the cable. I might want to mind you that my mobo fried one night so I got it replaced, mounted and whatnot, it was the exact same one, but I was still using the original ribbon cables, but after this I tried switching them all with the new ones I got. To no avail.
  8. MrWhite


    "Damnit man, I'm a doctor not a scientologist!" Yeah I don't quite get it either, but sounds good when i burst it out at people im talking to everyday, like at the store or the college.
  9. MrWhite

    Epic Speaks AGAINST Revolution

    OOOOUCH. Thems fightin' words! If anything, the revolution is the only one that even comes close to anything "next-gen". The other's (while i admit im getting a ps3 and not rev) are just graphical, and hard drive improvements.
  10. MrWhite

    I'm going to kill myself. ****@!d hadh

    OKAY so about a year ago I built my computer in anticipation for Half-Life 2. Fair enough,worked great until about a month ago, when both my CD-R/W-DVD and just plain CD drive just... stopped working. Not only did they stop working, they stopped showing up in my computer completely. Checking...
  11. MrWhite

    Marijuana may actually be good for the brain

    -_-** Well this WAS dead and buried until someone had to go and dig it up. Honestly, I can't accept you as credible until you tell me something worthwhile. So, FFS, your opinion doesn't matter to me anymore if you don't want to make the effort to talk about something because you know...
  12. MrWhite

    US to execute Nobel Peace prize nominee

    Walk away man... just step back and let gh0st and Sparta duke it out in a war of flame... watch man... isn't it pretty? the way it lights up the sky n' all...
  13. MrWhite

    US to execute Nobel Peace prize nominee

    GG. GG.
  14. MrWhite

    "We need to exterminate the white people"

    Nah, black people smoke menthols, which have fiberglass in the filters, which evidently kills you much faster. I think about the same amount smoke as white people, I think what you we're trying to say was "I see more white people-" No? Then how many black people are around where you live...
  15. MrWhite

    US to execute Nobel Peace prize nominee

    It is wrong to take anyone's life. He learned that over his years in jail, but that doesn't make what he did right. Neither does taking away his life, that makes the people in charge of that no better than he was BEFORE he was rehabilitated. Capital Punishment's flawed logic FTW Not to...
  16. MrWhite

    What now?

    Hmm... yeah I wonder how that's coming. It would appear they just can't keep up with the changing generations of gaming.
  17. MrWhite

    What now?

    Well... feast on what you have for a bit, and wait for the new Wolfenstein
  18. MrWhite

    What games will you be getting this holiday season

    I plan to catch up with some old continuations of favourites that I missed due to a broken PS2. Aftermath for sure, MGS3: Subsistence MGS2: Substance (For the snake tales, I got tired of Raiden) Devil May Cry 3 Shadow of the Collosus That's about it... and most of those I'll be buying myself.
  19. MrWhite

    DE_Nuke and CS_Militia coming to Source

    What in the world. At the server I play in we always play Nuke and Militia... and not crappy CS1.6 ports, but remakes that are pretty top notch. I mean, im sure theres will be awesome, but it's really nothing new to me.
  20. MrWhite

    PS3 Under $400 in Japan?

    Oh I didn't get the impression that you were implying so... But yes, I really dislike that aswell, I chose one for a valid reason, though both look good, but I also think the games on the PS3 will be more geared towards myself... but who knows? I wish I was rich, I'd own all three