Yeah, actually, my only real complaint with the graphics is the misaligned textures on the docks... you gotta admit, that does look pretty bad ;-)
I don't really care that much, it's just my only complaint.
Oh, well I mean maxed details ;-)
Details will come before AA, but once I'm at max details, if I have more than 30 fps, like 40 or something, ill try out AA
Yeah, I'm pretty down about how I'll have to shell out 40 bucks for a DVD drive just to play the collector's edition. Eh, then again, games will switch to DVD pretty soon, so whatever. I actually think it's pretty cool I'll be playing Half Life 2 on a DVD, that's the sort of novelty that marks...
Yeah, seriously, who the hell cares if the G-Man's teeth are too white or if the splash is a bit jagged around the edges? *shrug*
The graphics are definitely good enough that while playing the game, you won't think about them at all.
There ARE complaints that I can understand, like about...
Most likely:
AMD Athlon 2100+
512MB DDR 333mhz
Radeon 9800 128mb
80GB 7200RPM HD
Some random DVD drive...
Hopefully, I'll be able to upgrade to a gig of DDR ram
I was wondering what it will take to run Half Life 2 with full graphics and AA on. If I used a 2100+ w/512mb ddr and a radeon 9800 128mb, I doubt I could have full AA on. So, my question is, what will it take to play with AA?
is the top card there a good deal? It's a non-pro 9800 128. What's the difference between pro and non-pro, anyway?
jake gylenhall! :-D LOL
anyway, I'd actually like to see... hrm.... mmmm... wow I can't think of anyone. Maybe they should just computer animate the G-Man lol