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  1. mocho loco


  2. mocho loco

    Top 10 most important history period

    They seem to make a rap remix of every good song out there. That really bothers me.
  3. mocho loco


    Man everytime I replay that video, it just seems to get funnier and funnier.
  4. mocho loco

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    The Black Keys - Your Touch
  5. mocho loco

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    hellogoodbye - Here In Your Arms
  6. mocho loco

    any Iphone/IpodTouch gamers out there?

    There really isn't a game on the iphone that would keep you entertained for more than fifteen days. Really bad decision to sell your ds in my opinion.
  7. mocho loco

    Happy Birthday?

    Happy Birthday?
  8. mocho loco

    Video Dump I (POST YOUR RANDOM/GOOD/FUNNY VIDEOS HERE) Edit: wtf happened
  9. mocho loco

    "Swine Flu" appears, quickly spreads to US.

    My school is about 9 miles away from the border. There are already people making excuses to not go to school. :\
  10. mocho loco

    Your Absolute Favorite Artist

    I would probly have to shoot myself. I usually listen to two or more artist that I really like and then change every two weeks.
  11. mocho loco

    The most painful pain you have ever experienced.

    I can only think of one, but I'm sure I have had more painful. When I was in 5th grade, I was getting out of the car and walked towarda the trunk to get my backpack. I was running late so when I got my backpack, I didn't notice I had my finger still in the trunk. So I closed the trunk with my...
  12. mocho loco

    BatBabe: The Dark Nightie

    This made me giggle.
  13. mocho loco

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Nicolay - Hey
  14. mocho loco

    Your Recent Purchases

    I bought a soda for a buck at the movies.
  15. mocho loco

    Super ****ed up Disease

    Oh man that's awful, I feel sad for these kids.
  16. mocho loco

    Ryu or Ken?

    Hey, did anyone else vote and was sent here?
  17. mocho loco

    I'm Back!

    Good to see you around again!
  18. mocho loco

    [WIP] Pyro model, girl inside

    Nice job.