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  1. Uriel

    The official ANDROID thread!

    Just ordered the Samsung Vibrant :D
  2. Uriel

    Basil for Tennessee Governor

    Not as rampant as it was before. It was a joke stating that Basil Marceaux was evidence that inbreeding continues despite the decline it has had over the past century.
  3. Uriel

    Basil for Tennessee Governor

    Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck! Seriously though, wtf. I thought inbreeding wasn't as rampant in the south.
  4. Uriel

    Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

    Who the hell is this? And why am I not playing Starcraft II?
  5. Uriel

    Something about this makes me so happy
  6. Uriel

    US Navy Uses Lasers to Shoot Down Drones

    Missiles people, missiles.
  7. Uriel

    Post a screenshot!

    38 eyelander kills. Wewt.
  8. Uriel


    Cool looking plane, however, quantity over quality doesn't apply too well to fighter jets. Without an advanced Avionics system, the craft is so much more susceptible to enemy fire. Not too mention, training for pilots is lengthy and expensive and maintenance can be a huge nightmare for fighter...
  9. Uriel

    This may sound crazy...

    hey Don't drink the water... they put something in it to make you forget. Herp derp.
  10. Uriel

    Fedor lost and I'm pissed

    Yup, he lost. >< So angry. :flame:
  11. Uriel

    Gabe Newell's health

    Make a facebook group named, "We love you Gabe Newell and want you around for a long long time. With the highest respect, please have your stomach stapled, attempt the HCG diet, or anything that will aid in losing weight. With much <3, your diehard fans."
  12. Uriel

    do steve jobs is planing to buy valve?

    If that ever happened, I would punch Steve Jobs, right in the vagina.
  13. Uriel

    The Purple Box - New Image Sparks Rumours

    The ps3 exclusive made me lulz. Actually, I punched the nearest person in the face because I was duped.
  14. Uriel

    Izzies storm aid ship headed for Gaza

    Yeah... entering a sovereign nation's water's and then refusing to leave is asking for it, no matter what country you're from despite the reason of entering. Throw in that Israel is constantly defending itself from attacks and must be cautious adds to it. It's like walking towards a pit-bull...
  15. Uriel

    Need to find a video

    Many <3's. Thanks guys.