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  1. random.hero

    Terrorist, Counter-Terrorist and Gold Desert Eagle Skin

    hey lads. now, im normally a models type of guy, but recently ive just been messing about with the skins for CSS. anyways, between learning and practicing my bollock-juggling skills, ive come up with these skins :naughty: now, theyre very simple and mostly just re-colours/sticking some...
  2. random.hero

    Desert Eagle

    errm, they're saying what i was going to say, that for a model with 2000 polygons, theres not enough detail. i think you got confused. anways nice model, but yeah, needs more detail for that polycount :smoking:
  3. random.hero

    Gun Model

    the reason you dont know how they did it is cause you ahve no understanding of the program. do some of the tutorials that come with the program, then use the tutorials for specifics.
  4. random.hero

    Fn Scar Wip

    hmmm, looking at the models again, they do look as if theyre normal mapped although its not particularly noticeble. i guess i couldnt tell before because it helps to have a moving light source. anyways, you shouldnt need a source model for those kinds of normal maps, surely they can be more...
  5. random.hero

    Fn Scar Wip

    umm, has anyone realised that the weapon models in both CS and HL2 dont seem use normal maps, its mainly in the skill of the texturing. if i were you, id delete all the grooves off the handles and the majority of the front of the scope. then after that, you can drop a whole load of polies from...
  6. random.hero

    m1919 where to start?

    if youre not too interested in learning modeling full on, then just find someone who'll do it for you. someone with experience will almost certainly be able to do it better than you, and faster.
  7. random.hero

    Introducing "Morgann" an original HL2 Character..!

    the model is quite good, but i dont like the head. its too big, and apart from having the worst haircut in the world (:p), the cap needs to sit more on her head as opposed to ontop of her hair. the boots are also rather weird...quite low and bulky. also, until you get around to rigging the face...
  8. random.hero

    Stubbed Shotgun

    lemming, try doing the tutorials that come with Max. theyll teach you about Smooth Groups, but a lot of low poly modelling uses common sense, like getting rid of the unnecessary sections on your cylinders and deleting unseen faces.
  9. random.hero

    Weapon: MP5K

    i agree with stormy, but i think you missed the point. he knows its a high poly model, he said that as it has no poly limitations, it could be a lot more accurate. overall, its nice. good job. PS. smoothing error at the back, where that little black dot is ?
  10. random.hero

    Stubbed Shotgun

    its very basic. whats the polycount, and can we see a wireframe ?
  11. random.hero

    Sig P226

    ummm :laugh: are you talking about milkshape ?
  12. random.hero

    223 Compact

    no, but its not hard. why dont you have a go ?
  13. random.hero


    looks nice, although a bit clean, and the slide looks like its been sprayed with some black paint... dont ask me, i dont know how to make it looks better :p but yeah, nice... especially for your 2nd skin.
  14. random.hero

    Call of Duty UO - Mod - Please!!

    lol, sorry to be mean but that is the best bad english ive ever seen. and yeah, just wait for DoD, thats about as close as youll get.
  15. random.hero


    ummm, can i see a wireframe, cause that looks a little more than 1600 tris. guess it depends on what that count includes ? also, theres a few glithces in places. around the handle, it looks a bit dodgey and on the underside, the barrel sticks out a bit.
  16. random.hero

    Need Help With 3ds MAX

    thats a really bad explanation of your problem, but i think i know what you mean. when you make the cube, before making it editable mesh/poly change the number of segments it has. ...or you could just cut it up
  17. random.hero

    css fy_diner [beta] - 60's donut diner

    looks really nice, the inside is a bit bland though. if you go into diners and even McDonalds, the clour schemes are quite bright. try adding some tacky red vinyl on the benches and a splash more colour everywhere. also, inside, i think itd be cool to have a lot of props around, so when the...
  18. random.hero

    [REQ] WheelChair or Stretcher Prop anyone?

    :laugh: lmao :laugh:
  19. random.hero

    Hk Xm8

    polycount is not a triangle count. a polycount of 500 could be anything between 500 and 1000+. i know that in Max, if your model is Editable Poly, the polycount is actually a polycount, whereas if you convert it to Editable Mesh, it is a triangle/face count. yes, all games render in triangles...
  20. random.hero

    only thiing css is lacking

    how would you do it ?