Sig P226




very nice! Can we see a tri count? and are you unwrapping/skinning it?
I upgraded the SIG P226 with the gripping groves at the end

Polygon Count 2992

Hehehehe, very nice model. It looks like someone has found out how to do my low polgon smooth group technique :D can i see your wireframe please? It will be intresting to see if you have used it?

Oh on a note, its a very clean model and I think its very well modelled. Very nice :D
Thks for the comments

I used 3DSM for my modelling, but sometime I uses Rhino or Maya which these two I still trying to learn use them.

I used block modeling, it allows me to edit the polygons

It may look abit messy but, its polygon count is lower than using NUBRS Curves to model.
Well... the model is still good. But I am very disapointed in the mesh. I know its messy for polgon counts because I model weapons my self. I am not really commenting on the messyness its more along the lines of polgons that your not using very well and some stucuture problems. The render does it more justic than it deserves :D sorry to be a little harsh, but I am just been honest in my opinion.
agreed, it does look very nice, but somehow i doubt thats 2633 tris. like Ichi said, theres so many wasted polygons. take for example, the inside of the trigger guard. the polies in that alone must add up to about 200-300.

*edit* and taking another look, it seems to be the same case on the outside edge as well... that numbers growing :p
Yes it looks like your triggerguard has some major counts going. But that can be easely fixed.

Nice model BTW :afro:
Ahh saw this over at in the show me your weapon thread . This model made me remeber why i love the 226 its just so damn sexy when done right
Maybe explain then what the difference is if he doesnt know.

It depends on how you modeled your weapon, if you modeled with Editable Polygons the counter will show you a Quad Meshcount, meaning it will count each rectangle in your model. If you select your whole model and convert to Editable Mesh it will show you the triangle count, each Rectangle has 2 triangles wich means that if your polygon count is what is displayed in that picture your triangle mesh count would be about twice as much.
it wont count the only the rectangles it will count the whole poly gon ie if you have a hundred sided n-gon it will say its only 1 poly
so basicly a shape with 4 vertices are 2 tris, and polysurface with 6 vertices would be 3 tris?
It doesn't look like hes "Tri'd" it. I don't know how you guys Tri your Models but From teh limited number I have converted to tris I manually do it, which takes time. Though I'm guessing a Tri count would be roughly 4k if he optimised the current mesh when converting.
The polygon count stated in max is the number of faces on the model.
Adamtehgreat said:
I don't know how you guys Tri your Models but From teh limited number I have converted to tris I manually do it, which takes time.

ummm :LOL: are you talking about milkshape ?