I really don't care about the award, but Halo2's singleplayer was "meh" at best. Uninspiring levels, and incredibly lackluster ending ("that was the end?!") just don't do it for m.
I'm a bit confused about why you linked a grappling hook mod for quake 2 (ignoring the ones for quake 1) that lets you move around the level structure in a thread about interacting with physics objects.
Do we care? I don't need gamespot or any else validating my fun. :P
BTW, if you don't mind a lot of cussing, you should also give Chronicles of Riddick a shot. Fun game.
For good old-fashioned run-n-gun, nothing holds a candle to Serious Sam. (Cheap too. If you haven't played it, get it. Get both.) Painkiller was nowhere near as over-the-top.
Doom3 was ok if you turned the gamma up to the point you could somewhat see, and the end levels were much better...
The amount of memory on the graphics card (128) is less important then the chipset on the card. Is it an 8500?
To speed up your loading times, you should probably defrag your hard drive.
Your memory is sufficient for your processor, but a CPU upgrade might help.
Also, you have to ask...
A lot of people have their settings too high for their CPU too. Guess what--sound takes CPU time. Easiest stuttering fix, turn everything way down and then increase until it comes back.
You should copy the original file before editting. You may be sorry later otherwise. (Although I suppose with steam, you could just delete it and get the original back?)
You're close. There are no kids because the supression field has been in place for some time. Won't matter anyway since the combine is changing the earth's atmosphere to be suitable for them (and lethal to us).
EDIT: The "Raising the Bar" book talks about this a bit.
At least I didn't see HL2 NPCs running in place against an invisible barrier like I did in Far Cry.
I think you people are expecting something from the AI far more incredible then is possible with today's technology.
AKA Gonarch
Why randomly throw in AKA?
/Votes buried tentacle monster from HL1 since even a garg goes down to regular weapons.
/Thinks there should be a "HL1 helicopter" option too.