oh and btw anyone who thinks hl2 will only have DM is an idiot, wanna know why? DM would be hard enough to implement into HL2 but they said there were vehicles in multiplayer. how the HELL do you fit vehicles into a DM. YOU DON'T. case closed
NO WAIT i got a AWSOME idea
read my invasion post first
i'll add, each kill earns team money every time something is killed another spawns immdeiatly so the faster you killem the potential to get more money increases (they spawn behind a hill)
theres a commander and mid rounds he can...
SHUTUP WITH STEAM i don't want to hear steam bullshit in a multi prediction thread (delete those posts)
also what would be cool is a castle defence like game/ survive agaisnt swarms of attackers (that woudl be AWSOME) (yea i bet someone will make it too)
and btw the ONLY people who should...
ok lets make this a PREDICTIONS ONLY THREAD
you wanna make a comment? state it below a prediction.
mine is
they're probably gonna have something like a deathrace. everyone gets a vehicle and you try to shoot/ram everyone else, there probably lots of different terrains too.
i want a master cd.
4 cds to the elves with their l33t gaming skillz X to the (dwarfs or?) with their migety dwarfy uber and 7 to the humans wqho above seeked l33tness and uber l33t haxxor
but one cd was crafted in secret, one that would rule them all. it was THE ONE HL2
the master cd
hey don't dis trekkies you stupid little, no wait, go ahead
just watch some places are gonna have riots for the game, luckly my town is full of idiots who don't know jack about hl 2.... lucky me (a select few from my entire school know about hl2)
Don't dis planetside you SOB i was a beta tester for it (lots of people were) but i was in the exclusive and it's just going through some rough times ok?
in halflife 2. is it possible to make a car that has detachable parts. if so, can you make it so when you shoot the gas tank it will explode causing all the deatchable parts to fly and the rest of the car to maybe do a mid air flip? (maybe deform a bit too?)
Is a GEO mod possible...
my 2 bit (2 unique bits :))
if you shoot a body in the water, will blood seep from the body and saturate the water?
will there be halflife 2 hats? i do so love hats :)
if i were gabe i'd stand up and make a statement saying.
there is no godamn delay! and if there is you have permission to come to my house and shoot me, now clam down!