Search results

  1. AcousticToad

    Barnacles - The best revised creature?

    I just love them, the look a lot better than in the first game, and the fact that they will try to eat anything is cool. The joy of rolling a explosive barrel down into a set of 12 tounges, watching one grab it and then setting the barrel on fire and taking them all out is great. Also the...
  2. AcousticToad

    Spawning npcs, require help

    The strider in the ground prob can sometimes be fixed by going to a high place and using npc_create_aimed, the strider just stands around and doesn't move though, it shoots its gun but not the secondary beam weapon, you can kill it and use its legs to kill enemies too which is pretty funny...
  3. AcousticToad

    Something funny in the cache file.

    Just checked him out in the Model viewer, the texture is just the purple boxes, its a very low poly blocky model in wireframe mode, he has about 6 animations that look funny as hell, by the looks of things, he was only gonna have the pistol, be able to run, jump and shoot. I hope a third party...
  4. AcousticToad

    How to get HL2 content in the sdk now!

    Hey thanks for posting this, I was wondering how to get it done too.
  5. AcousticToad

    Something funny in the cache file.

    I was using gfc scape to view and extract, this is the model pic that comes with it.
  6. AcousticToad

    Most unfair fight in the game....

    I just crouched down in one of the turret holding pens, had my shotgun out and took everyone down with a single blast, they kept running in, taking about 2 secs to turn to face me by which time they where dead, the fact that about 40% of them had shotguns helped too.
  7. AcousticToad

    City 17 first Strider battle - out of ammo!

    If you cant get to the rockets, run underneath it and shoot the underside, the pulse rifle and the crowbar (suprisingly) work quite well while the guys are shooting rockets, just get out of the way when it dies otherwise it'll squash you.
  8. AcousticToad

    Thoughts on HL:S

    Pinning guys to walls with the crossbow is funny, except if they're pinned to doors, then then just float there when the door opens. I agree on the speed though, but i think it adds a bit more to the game, like having the extra bit of speed to run away from a nade only to get taken down by a...
  9. AcousticToad

    Favorite gun!

    .357 all the way. I did like the crossbow though, not sure what it was firing as they didnt have a point on the end but it did well for a few long range take downs.
  10. AcousticToad

    Something funny in the cache file.

    Open up the Half Life Source cache file with whatever you wanna use, take a look at doctor.jpg, it looks like Valve has put most of the original pre-release game models into here. Doctor.mdl is the original, chunky mother Gordon with a pistol, and he looks cool. Cant view him in the model...
  11. AcousticToad

    The bullsquid

    Most of the sounds are still in the cache files from ones that where taken out, theres a cool looking model (from what i can tell) of a: It must have got cut or just hidden away in a part where you wouldn't catch a good view of it. Shame.
  12. AcousticToad

    The bullsquid

    Nope, they have a static, no animated model that was only used in the first 10min :( As for the Bullsquid, i was looking forward to seeing it, PC Zone said that creatures like the Garg, Houndeye and bullsquid would be back. I was looking forward to seeing a highres bullsquid :(
  13. AcousticToad

    Screenshot of picture

    Is the small one in the front Gabe?
  14. AcousticToad

    Spawning npcs, require help

    You have to use the npc_create_equiptment one, then name the weapon (for example irifle for the rifle or pistol for the pistol) Note that you have to use npc_create npc_combinewhatever first, then the equiptment code, then spawn enemies again and they will have a weapon, you have to just keep...
  15. AcousticToad

    when you get your hands on the Maniputor...

    I'll find the Gman and see how he reacts to an explosive barrel to the face. Failing that i'll try to take a saw blade to Barney/Alyx/Kliener (Kleiner? always spell it wrong) and see if they can also be cut in half. Also, im gonna find a trashcan with no lid (hopefully, like the ones in CS:S)...
  16. AcousticToad

    How old is everybody?

    19, 20 in Jan. First game uh...pretty sure it was Pyjamarama on my Amstrad.
  17. AcousticToad

    Yup, they are a pretty good company.
  18. AcousticToad

    Funniest place names you've seen

    I always get a smirk when i hear 'Shi'ite rebels' on TV, i keep hoping the newsreader will cock up and say it different.
  19. AcousticToad

    Funniest place names you've seen

    Bingo! Thats the one heh. (Near me) Menlove Gardens Bottom Flash Nob End Bell End Ramsbottom Smallwood Shavington Ho Butty Moss Dick Slack Hole Bottom Clitheroe (Random Scottish postcode) Bottom Burn Fanny Burn Fanny Hill Turdees Bitch Craig Fatlips Castle...
  20. AcousticToad

    Funniest place names you've seen

    There is a place about 12 mile from my house called 'Bell End', Ive saw a road/bypass called 'Fucton Overpass'. I had a cool link for the UK where you put in your postcode and it came up with loads of rude/funny places.