Thoughts on HL:S


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Just played a bit HL:S and I realised how a really fun game just got even better.

The soldiers are still by todays standards very challenging enemies and the ragdoll physics have made it even more fun. I have to grin each time a dead soldier plummets off a ledge and smacks into the ground. And the lightning has become far better.
The shadows look neat too. Just thought about this: original hl didn't have shadows!

It still might look a bit dated considering models and textures but it's even after all those years and reruns still a whole lot of fun.

The only minor thing is that the player speed is way too high...

your thoughts?
yeah Im having fun playing through it again, it is great... however I do agree... the entire game is blisteringly fast, not only the player speed.

I am seeing a lot more frequent cool ragdols, like blowing a guy down the stairs, and seeing him actually roll... that one blew me away, I was like WOW.

also I hit a guy in the head with my double barrel shotgun and he did a full flip head over heals... so cool.
Pinning guys to walls with the crossbow is funny, except if they're pinned to doors, then then just float there when the door opens.

I agree on the speed though, but i think it adds a bit more to the game, like having the extra bit of speed to run away from a nade only to get taken down by a rocket.

Im sure the AI has been improved too, on two occasions i've blocked a door with a barrel and a marine has kicked it away.