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  1. Animal

    HL2 piñata

    Let me ask the most important question. Is she attractive?
  2. Animal

    Tell it to me one more time...

    You can't expect to play HL1 now and be as impressed as we were back in 98. It's been copied so many times now that it doesn't seem anywhere near as unique as it once did.
  3. Animal

    HL2 piñata

    Looks fake to me. Why would valve only send a pic to some obscure foreign site.
  4. Animal

    A quick question about 'bosses' and other large enemies

    I'm still excited about encountering the hydra.
  5. Animal

    damm shes ugly

    I don't see how it's 'wrong' to acknowledge the simulation of beauty in a fictional character.
  6. Animal

    Ugly water in HL2?

    Farcrys graphics were fantastic in every respect. But I like HL2's more, because they seen less plastic. The main character in Farcry shines like a polished doll! But the interactivity is what is truely amazing. The water looks great too though, we'll have to see how well they...
  7. Animal

    Little Q 'bout the dropship thing

    Not true. It's just that the particles are reflected off the surface and add to the force. The heights the combine aircraft is flying at will mean that this reflective force will have a negligible effect.
  8. Animal

    Gordons HL2 Model

    It'll look crap when going up to a mirror and not seeing a reflection. Will the monsters be reflected? Because if they are not then it'll look crap. Not like a mirror at all. Maybe they just won't include mirrors at all. They weren't in HL1 as far as I can remember and I didn't miss em. But a...
  9. Animal

    No more an innocent scientist

    Gordon is now officially an unstoppable killing machine, he virtually wiped out an entire alien race and a government army singlehandedly. He tears through platoons of soldiers like a buzzsaw. There is no going back.;) The fact that he has a P.H.D is inconsequential, he got that before he...
  10. Animal

    Steam = resource hog = HL 2 slow performance?

    What if someone doesn't have access to the internet? Then they can't play HL2? I don't think you need steam running if you buy it retail.
  11. Animal


    No shit sherlock, thats what this whole thread is about.
  12. Animal


    Hey, see the guy next to the black dude in this pic. Thats the same guy in the trainstation video, who you meet before looking at the arrivals schedule. He says something like 'don't drink the water, it makes you forget'...
  13. Animal

    Is this a new weapon for Combine?

    hehe nu wepon 4 kombine!?!!11 lolz
  14. Animal

    Video !

    Damn, what a fag, he could of at least said thanks.
  15. Animal

    Is this a new weapon for Combine?

    Great. :hmph:
  16. Animal

    Is HL2's AI the best ever?

    They have to give the AI a guide as to what to do when it encounters a certain obstacle. Ai is not so advanced yet that it can decide completely of it's own accord how to react to situations. Give it ten years.
  17. Animal

    Things that you would LOVE to see in HL2

    What else would their be that new apart from the physics then? The water maybe? I don't think many people with bother with it if all thats changed is the physics.
  18. Animal

    Things that you would LOVE to see in HL2

    Yeah, what would be cool is if you didn't have the key for a certain door you could blow it down at the cost of ammo. Or maybe shoot around the lock on a wooden door so that the lock falls out. It would also be very cool is you get in a situation where you are being chased by some creature...
  19. Animal

    Can enemy A.I. use physics as well?

    What the hell do you expect!? Even the most advanced AI in the world used in robotics isn't aware of it's purpose. Are you that stupid that you think valve can code sentience into enemies in a game, or are you joking? The best they can do is code simple responses to stimuli: Stimuli - A...
  20. Animal

    Catalyst 3.8 release notes

    These drivers are mostly going to improve the 9800XT. ATI OVERDRIVE ROCKS!