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  1. Xrenity

    Face Poser

    Wow you can let Alyx say Barney's lines :P Pretty cool stuff!
  2. Xrenity

    NEw Computer

    You just login to steam on your new computer, than you can download/install it and get playing :)
  3. Xrenity

    Predictions on GameSpot's rating?

    9.8 Gren K reviewing it? NOOOO! He's Halo 2 fanboy :P
  4. Xrenity

    The official HL2 countdown thread

    20 hours :o
  5. Xrenity

    closed? :P
  6. Xrenity

    Think I'll watch the binks again

    ok. ...
  7. Xrenity

    They will just hang up :P 'yeah whatever' *peeeeep*
  8. Xrenity

    ... ass, like this will solve something.
  9. Xrenity

    George Broussard on VU blocking the steam authentication

    Maybe Vivendi changes their mind now, everybody's going mad ;)
  10. Xrenity

    *Official* STOP bashing vivendi thread

    Vivendi sucks, liek hard.
  11. Xrenity

    Info on the books

    DarkRaven from mailed Doug Lombardi about the upcoming books, I've translated the article for you guys :) Book info directly from Valve Because Half-Life 2 is shipping next week, I thought I should ask if there was some more information on the upcoming books. That's why I...
  12. Xrenity

    de_bridge_b2 server JOIN RIGHT NOW

    it's a shame we can't auto download maps :(
  13. Xrenity

    Source SDK on Steam update history

    You're talking German now :P In Dutch face is 'gezicht'
  14. Xrenity

    Source SDK on Steam update history

    like now :P
  15. Xrenity

    SDK tonight *proof?*

    Already been posted :) Please don't reply here anymore, so this thread fades away ;)
  16. Xrenity

    Steam and the future of gaming

    No, I like steam very much, but I wouldn't like to have like 5 of these programs running...
  17. Xrenity

    Source SDK on Steam update history

    Great news. Release within hours I guess :D
  18. Xrenity

    Half-Life 2 release hour confirmed

    I checked, is the latest news and I guess its not about the release hour. Bogus for now. /edit this is it. Wonder if it's true though.
  19. Xrenity

    Half-Life 2 release hour confirmed

    I checked the site but I can't find it anywhere :o
  20. Xrenity Machinima

    Sounds nice. When the SDK launches we can actually do something. (Hope the lipsynch thing is in it at it's [SDK] release.)