Halflife2.net Machinima


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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A lot of you know what machinima is - movies created entirely within a computer game engine. Well, I've been very interested in making machinima films over the past year or so, and since I know that other people here do too, maybe we can make a Halflife2.net Films or something? We have a lot of resources to draw on - within the community we have more extras, actors, voice actors, mappers, modelers, composers, and other proponents of machinima than just about anywhere else, and Half-Life 2 is an extremely exciting possibility for machinima.

I'm an aspiring director and writer, and if we could get a few more director/writer leader people, and some dedicated people to make sets and characters, actors, composers, and whatnot - we could have a serious production going on here!

Just a thought. How many people would be interested in helping create a Halflife2.net machinima film team? The films we could make have the resources to be massive, bigger than anything that has been done before if we do it right.

Not to mention I'm considering an independent study on machinima, and this would help a hell of a lot.

Is this a possibility, or am I just a little too excited about this?
A halflife2.net movie?
Like 1.5 hours of waiting for HL2?
no, films created in the Source engine made by people from Halflife2.net
Like Red Vs. Blue for you crazy halo fans (great stuff that RvB).

I like the idea, I always thought someone should do something like Red Vs. Blue with Counter-Strike (Simply because [atleast in 1.6] when you talk over the mic your players mouth moves) and that would just be halarious.
sounds like a good idea, I'd be willing to help. I edited and directed the Boondock Marines Natural Selection music video found here
woooooooooooooooooo! do it!! but u wont get any help from me :upstare:
Audiophile said:
no, films created in the Source engine made by people from Halflife2.net

Ah like that. The other way seemed pretty boring to me :LOL:
I'm thinking more feature films (though not nearly as long) than short comedy segments like in Red vs. Blue. Counterstrike is already a very popular machinima tool (ever heard of the Militia project by tfg?) and what I was thinking is more creative, having mappers create the levels and modelers create the models so that it's like a real movie, with a unique setting and characters.
Audiophile said:
I'm thinking more feature films (though not nearly as long) than short comedy segments like in Red vs. Blue. Counterstrike is already a very popular machinima tool (ever heard of the Militia project by tfg?) and what I was thinking is more creative, having mappers create the levels and modelers create the models so that it's like a real movie, with a unique setting and characters.

Quite obviously, I always just thought of that as a good idea, never knew someone did that with CS.

Anyway, I knew what you meant I was just giving an example to people who weren't quite familiar, and RvB seems to hit home with just about everyone.

But yes, I can write for it, I can video edit and such. So I'd be more than happy to help Audio.
You can do a lot more with Source than RvB style machinima. You can literally make the characters act with Faceposer. So a real 'Hollywood' movie should be possible.
Furthermore, you don't have to limit yourself to current hardware, you can export the heaviest demo's at a nice constant 30 fps for movies.
isnt there already a 'sourcefilms' project? im sure one of the mods was involved? pendragon i think...
Might be, but there are hundreds of film groups for just Half-Life alone. I believe that Source Films is an independent group, I was thinking this to be more like a source-world type thing, with the whole community able to contribute what they want. A core team, then everyone else helps for different productions.

PvtRyan seems to know what I'm talking about.
Very nice idea. Unfortunately I cant help you in anyway. But I’ll be a big supporter if that counts
If you have Half-Life 2, you can help. If this gets off the ground, we will need people to act (that is, join the server and do what the directors tell you to do), voice-act, and generally lend as many skills as possible.
PvtRyan said:
You can do a lot more with Source than RvB style machinima. You can literally make the characters act with Faceposer. So a real 'Hollywood' movie should be possible.
Furthermore, you don't have to limit yourself to current hardware, you can export the heaviest demo's at a nice constant 30 fps for movies.

I would like to see a good action movie scene with the hl2 source.. I now Valve did not include one, same as HL
Thats the idea. We could do war scenes, with explosions everywhere and vehicles driving past foot troops, all in a custom built map, with up close shots of characters possible with the lip sync technology.

Thing is, I can't do this by myself - we need a core team who will all direct, edit, write, and produce, plus people who will spend their time mapping and modelling.
Sigh, I guess there's not much interest in a community based film team?
Keep your dreams in your head. Sometimes, that's the best policy ;)
Wow! This could be so cool! It could really work!

Imagine even just doing it in HL1, with custom skins. That would be so easy, but in HL2 with the right amount of involvement, it could be totally rippin!

Of course, there is no way I'd spend all the time it takes to build a custom map just to film for a few seconds, then throw it away... but if someone else were to do it, I'd be very willing to watch the movie!
its not a bad idea, it just needs allot of hard work by some, not much by others and not much pay out at the end.
'eh...I started a group a while back to do a little rip-off of RvB in CS Source, but I guess someone died because it suddenly stopped. So, I'd be glad to help as an actor :p
Sounds nice. When the SDK launches we can actually do something. (Hope the lipsynch thing is in it at it's [SDK] release.)
Homercidal said:
Wow! This could be so cool! It could really work!

Imagine even just doing it in HL1, with custom skins. That would be so easy, but in HL2 with the right amount of involvement, it could be totally rippin!

Of course, there is no way I'd spend all the time it takes to build a custom map just to film for a few seconds, then throw it away... but if someone else were to do it, I'd be very willing to watch the movie!

Not whole custom maps, just scenes liek in movies. ALmost like sets.

I knew what you meant Audiophile, I was just giving people an example of something recognizable.

Anyway, I could try voiceacting, I can definitely do audio and video editing and writing.

I'm up for this completely, I'm sure enough poeple would be. So Audio, give me a ring over that electronic mail.
Try contacting someone in the Half-life2.net staff about this, see if they can at least mention you on the frontpage or be nice enough to put up a section for you.
This is how I thought VALVe should have done a Half-Life movie...
I am very excited about this idea as well. I would love to something like this, because the internet if you do something well you can get real good recognition and its good to know if you are on the right track.

The only problem is now that I feel that we have to wait until the sdk Half Life 2 and everything is settled people are familiar with the abilities and those kind of things. This is also the way I am, I find it hard to understand how all these MODS sprung up before the games release because all they could do is develop some of the plot and basic game play on paper. I think the ability to play around and see what you can do gives that so much more freedom.

Come back with this topic in a while, when the game is out. I am definitely willing to help you with this, I'll direct edit cut act eat sleep anything!
All right! It's good that there is interest. Even if the SDK isn't out yet, there is a lot of planning and such to do, deciding on plot, scripting, getting people willing to help, etc.

I'm going to talk to Munro and see if we can't get some support.
Pendragon (a moderator if you don't know who I'm on about) was the guy to talk to about this, but he is still 'on leave'
Yeah, I know who he is. He's with sourcefilms though, doubt he'd leave that to come to this.
Plus you can easily create a movie with way more detail than currently allowed by current hardware as you can set the speed at which the demo is recorded.

edit: Just so everyone knows...I know it has been posted before. Just emphasizing it.
oldagerocker said:
its not a bad idea, it just needs allot of hard work by some, not much by others and not much pay out at the end.

I plan to work as hard as I can on this, and the end result is quite satisfying, and rewarding.
I think the Project is very worthy. I personally love RvB, but the humor aspect gets old after a while. I would love to see some 'serious' film come out of it. But Please... No Titanic... Ever.

Oh, And Hello Everybody, I'm new.
I think we'll focus on action/suspense, as that best represents the engine's capabilities.

Oh yeah, reading Sentences Written Like This is a LIttle Funny...
Audiophile said:
A lot of you know what machinima is - movies created entirely within a computer game engine. Well, I've been very interested in making machinima films over the past year or so, and since I know that other people here do too, maybe we can make a Halflife2.net Films or something? We have a lot of resources to draw on - within the community we have more extras, actors, voice actors, mappers, modelers, composers, and other proponents of machinima than just about anywhere else, and Half-Life 2 is an extremely exciting possibility for machinima.

I'm an aspiring director and writer, and if we could get a few more director/writer leader people, and some dedicated people to make sets and characters, actors, composers, and whatnot - we could have a serious production going on here!

Just a thought. How many people would be interested in helping create a Halflife2.net machinima film team? The films we could make have the resources to be massive, bigger than anything that has been done before if we do it right.

Not to mention I'm considering an independent study on machinima, and this would help a hell of a lot.

Is this a possibility, or am I just a little too excited about this?
I would help. Are we looking for a red vs. blue type of machinima or more just scripted guys moving on a screen or the red vs. blue type where they actually move around the guys?
if you need any 2d animation, i could help.
pm if you are in need
im still trying to learn 3d modeling and animation, so im no help there :(
I have no leet skills but i'd love to help out. either way - good luck with the project - machinima is cool :afro:
Whats this Red vs Blue thing everyone is on about?

Also, someone mentioned the Militia project; has anyone seen the second installment, Militia 2? Thats one badass machinima film. Something like that could be done easily, with dramatic scenes and killer bg music. Blah blah blah.
I am not a fan of Halo, but I do find redvsblue very warm to the throat.. maybe this is a feeling called "funny"?