I think it's really simple; Valve wants HL2 to have the spotlight at this point in time, I expect exposure on TF2 to commence only after the release of their first Source game.
Until that has happened, it makes sense to keep a lid on TF2 related information.
Gabe Newell has already confirmed that the relative (DX9) performances of the latest Nvidia and Ati cards in HL2 are similar to those cropping up in some comparative hardware reviews.
Just one of the reasons why I've just switched to a Radeon 9800 Pro after years of using Nvidia products...
I'm wondering if anybody else has noticed the silver tower in the HL2 teaser, it's in the same 'scene': http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/halflife2/screens.html?page=24 .
Looks a bit LotR (movie) type fantasy style to me, strange that I've never see discussion on an object so distinct as that.
The major reason I'm interested in the SE is that the standard 'mugshot' boxes are so damn ugly.
As for the possible content, I don't give a damn about HL2 keychains or mousepads but "behind the scene" footage would be nice.
The thing is though, seeing that Valve are on a tight schedule as...
The 30th is a Tuesday, the day that games typically get released in the US if I'm not mistaken.
In Europe, the standard day of release is Friday, so even with a simultaneous worldwide release I don't expect to see HL2 in stores before 3/10.
Damn, they're even uglier than I remembered and I don't like the faces on the side of the limited edition either.
Now that I'm on the subject of artwork, I'm also compelled to say that I don't like the HL2 logo much at all - the Lambda symbol is still forceful but the surrounding outline and...
Yeah, the silver one is the limited or special edition; that's the one I'm going to get if it's released simultaneously with the normal versions and if the artwork isn't changed at the 11th hour.
I like this bit:
It's not a bad editorial, but I think his stance is too egalitarian; basically what he's saying is "id has made cool games, Valve has made a cool game, id's next game will be cool, Valve's new game will be cool, everybody loves playing cool games, so let's all rejoice and...
That wouldn't prove much; of course the structure will be similar but the *way* it is rendered will be different.
I can't for the life of me see how the game will be able to display the dreamy, almost unearthly lighting in this picture - would be mind-blowing if it could though.
I think the...
What an utterly asinine thing to say, you're implying that all there is to HL2 is a physics 'demo' and that Valve have no intention to immerse (and perhaps even scare, perish the thought) the player?
What about the attention to character design and interaction, what about the vehicle gameplay...