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  1. undertoe

    paid for a 9800 got an SE...Help!

    anywhere you can get a real 9800 in australia online? I cant find them anywhere :(
  2. undertoe

    New Gamers Depot benchmark results and City 17 hi-res screenshots!

    yea, that's what I was hoping. It looks incredible :)
  3. undertoe

    New Gamers Depot benchmark results and City 17 hi-res screenshots!

    Just wondering, in the DX9 screenshots the ants lions etc dont have the same effects as in the latest demo vid. Is this due to the build been older?
  4. undertoe

    Anandtech Benchmarks Out!

    im impressed with the performance of the 9600 PRO, great value indeed :)
  5. undertoe

    New Video Comparisons...

    how sweet does the ant lion look! :)
  6. undertoe

    Are there new specs?

    Cant beat more ram, i wouldnt run XP with less than 512meg myself
  7. undertoe

    will vehicle's run out of petrol?

    Thats exactly what the Australian government is doing here now :(
  8. undertoe

    HL2 vs Doom3

    here we go again :P
  9. undertoe

    HL2 vs Doom3

    I wonder if there has been a thread on this topic before? :)
  10. undertoe

    Half-Life 2 DirectX 9 Performance

    can you really flash a 9800 and get it to run like a pro? heheh, so it does found this post on a forum The flash DOES work but you need to be careful what you use!! I made the plunge and flashed to what was billed as the "latest" 9800 Pro bios (filename 98-8004-NEW.rom) which actualy sent...
  11. undertoe

    Mp5 Pip

    same here, its a great site. Any of you guys fired a USP .45 ACP in real life with factory loads? Quite a handful indeed :) I would like to see the 357 mag make an appearance again, I know the limited capacity doesn't work as well in a game, but I really love that weapon :)
  12. undertoe

    Some more photorealistic Human Renderings...

    post some dude
  13. undertoe

    XIII french demo

    Its a demo dude, it has 2 playable levels from the game. Its pretty cool too!
  14. undertoe

    For those of you who care (New Stalker vids)

    should look nice when the whole thing is in directx 9. No idea how it will play though
  15. undertoe

    Omg!! Pr0n!!

  16. undertoe

    And the best movie you ever saw?

    Have you really seen The Eternal Jew ? Nazi propaganda right?
  17. undertoe

    XIII french demo its in french , but its worth a look. Should be a fun game
  18. undertoe

    Omg!! Pr0n!!

    nothing wrong with a bit of sick and twisted humor :)
  19. undertoe

    Omg!! Pr0n!!

  20. undertoe

    Omg!! Pr0n!!

    i wana see it :)