For those of you who care (New Stalker vids)

All new games with new graphics engines and everything always "look amazing". So what. You have to look beyond that.
Actually the physics are pretty good. For example, they show one of the soldiers falling and having his foot get stuck mid-way through the fall, then finally slamming into the ground. Looked very realistic.

When one of the Stalkers was shot, he fell to the ground and started squirming and continued to squirm whilst moving down the stairs and reaching out... Like it was mentioned, they don't just become silly puddy when they die. They do some really believable death moves.

There are a few instances where the physics are a bit off (the 4 foot high bounce from the grenade) but in general it's pretty good.
Originally posted by $niper
There are a few instances where the physics are a bit off (the 4 foot high bounce from the grenade)
HEHE. I noticed that too, it looked like he threw a tennis ball.
Haha, you guys are made this into a hl2 vs. stalker thread. Both games, I think, will be good in their own right. I will most likely buy both games. Stalker is still very far away from being released (first half of 2004) so they have plenty of time to fix things that are wrong with it.

-here is a link to download the ~60mb version use the one that says direct not peer-to-peer.
Originally posted by SnowBall
Is there anything unique about this? I know its really nice looking, and it supports reall big maps, but whats it about? Is there anything innoventive about it? What is it that makes it so cool?

There is so much to Stalker than just graphics... This is what most people (like almost all of you here) don't know. This game is nothing like HL2.

- It's completely open ended. Go where ever you want in the zone covering an area larger than 30x30 km squared...

- 8 different endings are planned.

- Around 40 different upgradeable weapons. (More like an RPG than an FPS)

- Co-op is planned for the game.

- Life simulation system, the core of Stalker, simulating every NPC in the zone and it's actions. Other NPCs can actually complete the main quest before you on higher dificulty levels.

- Different items and equipment (armor, vehicle armor) can be bought or acquired.

As you can see Stalker is more of an RPG, where almost nothing is scripted (except for 2 or 3 events pertaining to the main quest), and HL2 is a linear action game.

For more info, visit read up about the game before you ignorantly judge it.
Just took a look at it... But I have to say, I'm not much impressed. I dont know why really. It showed about as much as the HL2 video in terms of content. And the internal display near the end was really sweet. But still, the HL2 video was far more impressive for some reason :)

I think it will last longer than HL2, and its definetly in some areas prettier (well, almost definetly), but I have a feeling it will be alot of walking... And exploring... I dont think I'd like that with a game that has heavy weaponry in it. The controlled fights in HL2 will probably be more adrenaline pumping.
The HalfLife2 video was a real schow.
It was a show.
Of course, its impressive.

But the Stalker Video is not a real show.

HalfLife2 is a game there all is only show.

But Stalker is like Fallout.
You can't show the whole game Fallout in 20 minutes.
It's a game, you must play, to know that the game is.
Isnt it a show? It showed nothing of the game. Absolutely ZERO. It just... uhm... Showed off! :)
I think its cause HL2 showed us more noticable things, things you remember. It showed the particular areas, technology, vehicle on a huge level, the mini squad combat part, blocking a door with a table, springing traps and of course the beatifull water, the ant lions you order to attack with that bomb thingie. Stuff you really NOTICE.
The Stalker trailer is just a mess of poorly displayed tricks... For example, they didnt include the Hind that was shown in the tech demo! Seeing that fly over would have been a scene that could fit in the noticed category. The physics showed nothing noticably (in too poor detail), not even the graphics that you really say wow too... The light maps and bumpmapped room at the end was the only thing that made me notice it.
We didn't say WOW to the graphics...we said Wouhou ! WOU HOU ! :)
should look nice when the whole thing is in directx 9. No idea how it will play though
STALKER looks very goood. But Half Life 2 and doom 3 do too. So shut the heck up about wich one is better in your eyes. Its the eyes of the makers is what really counts!. Its there games let them make it the way they want it to be made!
Stalker is going to be one of the 3 operation flashpoint like games coming out. There is A Far Cry, Söldner, and Stalker of course. By far Stalker looks the best but i plan on buying them all. Halflife 2 will probably be the biggest game out besides those three though.
I run a channel called #FarCry on Gamesnet, Check it out if u want!

Soldner looks ok, ill be playing the demo. You the release date TrueWelt?
Yes, i've seen it. The DX9 render shown at the end is the most impressive graphics i've ever seen in a game.

And the early builds of the physics and A.I. don't seem bad either... they're improving it as we speak.

By the way... all of it was from E3, and all the E3 stuff was made months before E3...

imagine if that whole video was in DX9...

I told you people about this game previously. It's an open-ended RPG game with FPS as the main form of combat, and it's very ambitious as an RPG. It is very promising. Find out more about the game at

It is not a FPS game... FPS is just part of it.

Originally posted by dawdler
Isnt it a show? It showed nothing of the game. Absolutely ZERO. It just... uhm... Showed off! :)
I think its cause HL2 showed us more noticable things, things you remember. It showed the particular areas, technology, vehicle on a huge level, the mini squad combat part, blocking a door with a table, springing traps and of course the beatifull water, the ant lions you order to attack with that bomb thingie. Stuff you really NOTICE.
The Stalker trailer is just a mess of poorly displayed tricks... For example, they didnt include the Hind that was shown in the tech demo! Seeing that fly over would have been a scene that could fit in the noticed category. The physics showed nothing noticably (in too poor detail), not even the graphics that you really say wow too... The light maps and bumpmapped room at the end was the only thing that made me notice it.

That's because the whole video was in the DX7/8 render as compared to the ending (starting at point 3:47) displayed the first revealing of the DX9 render. As you yourself noticed, the difference is quite obvious... It makes the DX7/8 look like a piece of shit, and imagine if the whole thing was in the DX9 render...
I suggest some of you learn about this game before you talk bad about it.

A lot of you even think this game is another FPS...

If you do not have a clue about the game then STFU until you do!
Originally posted by Skeeze
Stalker looks ok..nothing compared to half life 2, however... doesnt look like anything innovative..I fear it'll be another Unreal 2... everyone expects this uber game and it turns out to be mediocre at best.

Uh huh. Everything is going to be like Unreal 2 just because it isn't Half-Life 2. Typical fanboy comment. If you looked at the end of that video the last minute showed the DX9 render and it looks better than any game i've seen.

The gameplay is not to be judged from that video as everything in that video is pre-alpha stage and also this game is an RPG, not an FPS. FPS is the main form of combat though.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Ok, I just saw the big one, and it looks much better. The projector thing is kind of cool.

But they really need to do a lot more work on the models and the physics. The model animations are cartoon-like. It has basic ragdol, however it's nowhere as impressive as what HL2 does.

That's bullshit. There are some choppiness in the animations, but the animations are proving to be very realistic. There are more detail animations such as the characters shaking up on the floor after they get shot, and also the characater's foot wobbling right before he falls down after getting shot.

The model is better looking in the DX9 render shown at the end (as well as everything looks better in the DX9 render shown at the end...).

Originally posted by adio2001
Yeah I figured someone would say that, heh.

-Also I must say this game looks amazing, and is the sound out of sync with the video or is it just me?

Yeah, poorly produced trailer whoever put it together. The sound is out of sync. They should've let me sync the sound! :p
Originally posted by undertoe
i was hoping it was going to be done with the DX9 render

All of the stuff was from E3. They showed the first revealing of the DX9 render in the last minute of the video.