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  1. zEphyr

    Upgrade priority: ???

    it's an Athlon 2700+ (2.2ghz)
  2. zEphyr

    Upgrade priority: ???

    I currently have a Radeon 9700 Pro, a 2.2ghz Athlon processor, 1.5 gigs of ram, and loads of harddrive space. Which would cause the greatest increase (in fps/performance) for the least amount of money: a processor upgrade or a new vid card? I've always wondered if there's a way to tell if...
  3. zEphyr

    Wierd thing on the buggy clip...

    where in the world is carmen sandiago?
  4. zEphyr

    Wierd thing on the buggy clip...

    ah HAH!
  5. zEphyr

    Stealth in HL2?

    Crouching Gordon, Hidden G-Man?
  6. zEphyr

    Lucky for all of you guys :p

    Who wants a body massage?
  7. zEphyr

    Info received from Valve ONLY - NO questions/discussion

    This will probably not be useful to many people, but it's something that interests me. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - These are likely both possible, but you'd likely have to write code to control either an NPC or a vehicle. Rick Valve -----Original Message----- From...
  8. zEphyr

    GIs mistreating prisoners in Iraq. :(

    ehh...... I think you mean "sentiment," not semitism.
  9. zEphyr

    HL2- what "Physics Tricks" are you going to perform ?

    I would LOVE for there to eventually be some sort of site dedicated primarily to strange, awesome, and hilarious hl2-related videos.
  10. zEphyr

    HL2 previews

    what... the........... hell?
  11. zEphyr

    GIs mistreating prisoners in Iraq. :(

    everybody across the world has to just cool down and get into all of the HL2 hype.
  12. zEphyr

    GIs mistreating prisoners in Iraq. :(

    I trust BBC news more than most other sources, even though I live in the u.s. There's a lot of shit here to sift through.
  13. zEphyr

    what do u think of cs's latest update

    Anyone who plays competitive CS will tell you that the quickswitch/quickzoom change has ruined a lot of strats.
  14. zEphyr


    These prison shots got me thinking... What if there was a mod where you had to orchestrate a prison break.... using only the physics of the game and random objects? Hmm... but then people would be dropping the soap, and there would be lots of "friendly fire." :| ... sorry.
  15. zEphyr

    Half life 2 demo petition

    Free Mumia!!!
  16. zEphyr

    is there a name for us

    Indigestible buttery waffles.
  17. zEphyr

    if there is a movie.....

    I think that this would work far better as an independent film or possibly a series of shorts. A full-length motion picture (in theatres) would most likely either be quite tacky (like most movies based on video games) or kind of uninteresting to the general public. :monkee:
  18. zEphyr


    I think that WASD may be a little difficult for some people because it requires some muscle memory, what with all the keys so close together. Personally, I love the WASD setup because I have control of so many things (ex: I can jump, switch weapons, turn around 180 degrees, get into a crouched...
  19. zEphyr

    if there is a movie.....

    Too bad that the butcher knife is only an illusion.
  20. zEphyr

    Multiple Topics.

    Hahahah. Same thing happened to me when I first saw Barney.:(