it's kinda logical those guys were about the same clothes...I mean, I know a game, where they wear beige camouflage clothes (Desert Combat) and guess what, the US Army took it over to go to Iraq!!
Imo Bush and the Republicans will lose a lot of support in the coming years...just a couple of months until the taxes will be raised...another year of failure in Iraq.. more deaths...less jobs, and stocks dropping like stones already!
This will hurt the Republicans like never seen before :)
I'm not saying anything bad about Americans, but I do think they should realize that they should really try and vote this time...because this time, is not just every time imo
Maybe...I dont expect much of these elections...but I sure hope Americans will realize that it's quite important to vote at this time.
I'm going to be a bit dissapointed in the Americans if it turns out that 40% didn't vote or summit
Clinton was not directly responsible for the job gain during his period.
Bush is directly responsible for the job gain during his period.
9/11 is one reason why a lot of jobs got lost, Bush's attitude afterwards is another, a lot of other countries suffered more from 9/11 then the US did...
In the 18th century the US constitution was a unicum, it was the first written official document during mankind's years that gave every human being a chance and gaven every human being the freedom he/she deserved. 100 years later, it was still an example to other countries. 100 years after that...
Even if you only consider internal politics, like f.i. the well-being of citizens, healthcare, creating jobs and ofcourse economy in it's whole, i'd say Kerry is a better choice then Bush, because he might actually be able do something to get the United States economy back on track.
I'm an...