I used to think the Combine were simply human beings...but none of the mags mentioned what the combine actually are...they enver really speak about it....wich makes me think they're something special
1: They never said: Look people, CS:S is HL2's MP
2: Since when is HL2 a "Steam game" and there by obviously containing a netcode? Or what do you mean with
You're right, but letting everyone believe there is no MP, and then announce that there is actually an MP, would be the best marketing strategy ever seen in the gaming industry :)
As far as I know, Gabe talked several times about the existance of a MP mode in HL2. (Not CS:S) I found an old PCGameplay TV DVD wich contains an interview with Gabe, they ask him about the MP and he answers with: We are working on a HL2 MP, but I can't say anything yet, we will be giving more...