not enough people gave me props for finding e3may in sign_novaprospekt.vtf :(
valve wants everybody to download it. thats why its open to everybody, not just ati voucher & purchasers. because if people have the game on their HD, they will be like "aw, f*ck, im not gonna go to the store and buy it if i already have it downloaded" and then valve gets extra profit ;)
thats what i thought. they're close, but they dont want to announce it just in case they get delayed again and we'll get even more mad. so theyll suprise with the preload in a day or two :D
i think the preload will come this week, and valve isnt going to say anything about it so in case it gets even more delayed, we wont get let down and we wont get mad again. i think its coming soon.
yeah, the crowbar animation blows. i emailed gabe about it like a year ago :D it looks like a little retarded 8 year old girl swinging with her left hand.