Come on, Abomination, that's at least half of what people post in a forum (half being a very modest estimate).
On a related note, anybody else find this post count pissing contest oooh.. I don't know ... sad maybe? :p
I'm not going to go dredge that waste up, but weren't there quite a few, "What did they say about this?" "Uh.. we didn't ask," moments? Not to mention that they were sent there to do an "interview" about Half-Life 2.. not CZ and the whole interview itself had been billed, hyped, and lauded as...
HLRadio's information has been all but useless in the past. I'd like this to be an exception, but I'm not even going to consider getting my hopes up in the least.
Sometimes people overreact, even moderators, but I don't think this is gonna help you out any, man. All you're going to get is a closed thread, fanboys kissing up to the moderators, and random hell for even making the post.
PM was your best bet.
I looked at those first pictures and thought, "Man, who cares," but some of those later shots were awfully damn nice. I especially like that magma map (the image with the building in it). Really impressive stuff. Too bad UT2K3 doesn't do it for me, I need something more than frag 'em ups.
Many do, you'll notice HL2Files was fine however and didn't report on's downtime (I see no reason to point out the downtime of other websites, seems more like laughing at them than for any real purpose of informing anyone). 'Course.. now HL2Files is down while we re-install our main...
Glad to hear it, Badger. Like I said, I'd seen many mods go for longer than you guys without updating, I just thought you had some interesting ideas in there and it'd be a shame to see you leave the party before it started.
Is this mod even alive? I checked the webpage and they haven't updated since September 2nd, lots of broken links, etc. ('course, plenty of mods go over a month without an update).