HL2 release date confirmed?




This site is saying the date is now Feb 24 04....said they confirmed it from a reliable source (that this is the new date that Valve gave to ATi)

could it be true?
Sure, anything could be true. It could also be true that the game isn't coming out till April 2004 like other places are saying :/
This could agree with what The Inquirer was saying. Maybe.

I'd wait for something a little more official before calling it a confirmation. Just sit back and wait.
How do we know? Well, this writer personally knows someone working high-up in a UK LAN gaming centre association that is sponsored by ATI. Valve told ATI the date. In return, ATI have been preparing their gaming centres in the UK for the release of HL2. They will be including the game free with their latest graphics card which will apparently be sold at a reduced price in these LAN cafes.
Wow, if he's that close to the source it must be true...

Haven't there been sites in the past that claimed to have "exclusive dates" from "inside sources" that turned out to be very, very wrong?
That would be uuuuum... "damn near all of them" yes, Seq.
Wow, if he's that close to the source it must be true...
Heh heh.
The point is that it's an relatively unknown site with no proof and a shady source at best.

The mods aren't going to keep this open.
anything could be true or false at this point.
i remember how Valve insisted all of last 8 months that sept 30 would DEFINITELY be HL2's date.....
My friend billie saw this website, whos webmaster knows this guy who works at dairy queen, whos dating this girl who once dated this guy who works at EB now, but before that he was a shoe salesman, and one of his customers was gabe Newell, and thats how i know the game is coming out in 2043.
I don't belive it. And that announcement didn't say anything about a date, it just talked sbout the new cards...it really didn't have anything to do with Hl2.

Today I went to 3 different video game shops and they all told me April 2004 :( Damnit, is that possible???
This site is saying the date is now Feb 24 04....said they confirmed it from a reliable source (that this is the new date that Valve gave to ATi)


u can't trust anyone except Valve (...well, even they can't be trusted sometimes...) so who CAN u trust???

We'll just have to wait for VALVe's final word. I bet they'll wait for it to go GOLD... It'd be horrible to be release next year, especially if they announce the release date on the first of April; only to come back hours later with "April fools - Nov 2004."
It's all my fault for laughing when Doom III got pushed back.. Now Half-Life 2's going to be stuck in April-ville. <sobs>