Search results

  1. =Coy0te=

    Fun Little Poll

    It's the lead singer in the group System of a down. (They rock hard BTW):cheers:
  2. =Coy0te=

    Tunnels, Traptown and Bugbait 56k downloads! (Triple Release)

    You rule dude! keep up the great work. (ouch! my lips are sore from all this ass kissing!)
  3. =Coy0te=

    Ceo of 3drealms insults fans.

    Theres no insult but he's just pissed off because he knows now that HL2 is comming out he is screwd.:cheese:
  4. =Coy0te=

    Bump-mapping really helps !

    Wow nice find!
  5. =Coy0te=

    How many sodas till you die?

    WTF? how much do guys weigh ( Yes I took into consideration the average forum junkie rule...) and u people still weigh tons.
  6. =Coy0te=

    Best Game Ever

    1) Zelda Ocerina of Time (64) 2) Total Anihilation (PC) 3) Sonic series (My first ever games) (Genisis or Megadrive for Aus/NZ) 4) Halflife+mods (PC....duh) 5) and a tie between secret of Evermore and Secret of mana (SNES) Wow I was at the Post reply screen for like half an hour, just...
  7. =Coy0te=

    Best Game Intro ever ?

    For me its a tie between Q2 (In direct contrast to the horrible ending...) and Syndicate wars on PC (remember that one with those dudes gunning down the people with chain-guns?):bounce:
  8. =Coy0te=

    AMD or INTEL

    Sayam..... P4 3.2 :: (wow) Kingston 512 pc3200 HyperX (cool!):: Asus P4C800-E(great!) :: (2) 36GB 10,000 Rpm S-ATA Western Digital HDD's on Raid 0 (wow!):: Geforce4 MX440 64mb(WTF!? :laugh: )
  9. =Coy0te=

    hl2 through other's eye

    I'd like to play as Alyx's bra!!!:eek: (eehhh......sorry.....I need some sleep:dozey: )
  10. =Coy0te=

    Dont expect it on Sept 30th until its...

    If they release it in November that would be right in the middle on my final exams!!! If that is the case I will become one truly pissed off geek!:flame:
  11. =Coy0te=

    Kleiners_Lab 56k download Video #3

    Thanks buddy!!!:cheers:
  12. =Coy0te=

    Docks 56k download! Video #2

    Thanks once again Northwood83. If every one was like you we. have a shit load of lower quality videos I suppose!!! ( Keep It up )
  13. =Coy0te=

    G-man 56k download!

    Thanks man. I was soooo pissed off that I went over my data usage limit this month (3gb) and could'nt see the new vids but thanks to you It's now possible. Once again thanks your work has not gone unoticed.
  14. =Coy0te=

    WHOA! New HL2 PICS!

    Dude I hate you!!! (What a way to make my first post......Hi!)