if people want to download the beta that's their decision. I don't agree with it, so I'm not going to do it. But there's no use in insulting people who are.
this is the stupidest poll ever. Games get delayed. Shit happens. Actually, more shit seems to have happened to valve then to any company ever before.
If I hear one more 13 year old rant about how its valves fault for "allowing" the hack, i'm gonna go nuts.
gsibble you are retarded...
but see, what dimitry skylarov did wasn't illegal where he was.
but what these hackers did was very illegal everywhere. their local country would be happy to prosecute them, maybe not extradite, but at least they would handle it themselves.
lol, warlord, you might want to upgrade...
and the g4mx isn't really a g4, so it will actually not be very good...i'd go for a dx9 compatible, you can get radeon 9700s for about $100
i think the "some reason" was probably the other stuff valve is dealing with right now...
and we're not even positive a benchmark was going to be released anyway.
damn, i didn't even think about steam. is steam vulnerable now too? I don't know how steam works, is it hard-coded to HL2 or is it just like a launcher?