Well I dont mean to spoil your day, but I am not counting on that April release date, there has never been an offical announcement from valve stating that release date. But I do not want to discuss release dates.
Does anyone know if Valve is going to be at E3 this year?
What will you think if Valve skips this year's E3. Other than "oh, there probibly too busy on the game"
:sniper: :cool:
i can only hope.
It was the most obvious on trap town when he is under the swinging blade, he uses the shot gun, shoots VERY close range, and the zombie doesnt even move, just some round blood sprites. I realize the blood is place holders, but that zombie should have flown back on its ass.
thats not what im talking about, read the question.
In other games, like say.... soldier of fortune 2, or whatever. When you shoot someone, they will move, shoulders will jolt back, etc. These little motions all make you feel like your bullet just hit the person. In the videos, it looks...
In the movies, one thing that has bothered me is the bullets hitting the enemy. They appear to just go right thru him, and then he falls, with the great rag doll physics. Has anyone seen anything different? It just doesnt look like it has a good feel that you are hitting the enemy...
I was bashing CoD a couple days back about it being such a Medal of honor rip off. Well it is... but its a damn fine one. I just played the demo and wow! If the whole game is like that, it will be amazing. So I just wanted to apologize to everyone i argued with.
Try it out, its an awesome...
its not that im trashing the game, i just feel that the world war 2 thing is a little over done, and this game even the damn font is the same as medal of honor.
Why buy at comp?
Why pay 399 and wait for a rebait, when you can get it for $389 up front with free shipping?