Collision Detection


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score

In the movies, one thing that has bothered me is the bullets hitting the enemy. They appear to just go right thru him, and then he falls, with the great rag doll physics. Has anyone seen anything different? It just doesnt look like it has a good feel that you are hitting the enemy. Of course I havent played it, but from the movies.

Anyone else notice the same?
AI: Toned down.

As for their deaths and falling and blood and all the extra fancy shit, Gabe said himself they we're just placeholders, not the final product.
Do you want them to fly back like they got hit by a car going 100 km per hour?
We haven't seen any evidence to prove that enemies will react once they've been shot. They don't seem to flinch or react dependant on the location of the damage.Obviously it'd be a lot better if they did, but at the end of the day, it's just one of those little things that won't ruin the game, but would just look good.
thats not what im talking about, read the question.

In other games, like say.... soldier of fortune 2, or whatever. When you shoot someone, they will move, shoulders will jolt back, etc. These little motions all make you feel like your bullet just hit the person. In the videos, it looks like the bullets just fly thru the soliders, then they fall down.
And cough cough....once easily moddable.
Isn't the first soldier in the traptown vid reacting to bullet hits at one point: looks sort of like he jerks back. Anyway, we know that it can happen to non-ragdolled characters, as we've seen it in the case of striders getting hit with things.
Yea, but your wrong thats the thing.
I agree that they should be affected by being hit by bullets but it should be subtle and shouldn't stop the enemy in his tracks (unless you can damage/blow off limbs)... especially with zombies. I don't think it should keep the enemies from fighting back unless getting shot would do the same thing to you.
Gabe said the blood sprites (that are currently the ones from HL1) were placeholders. He's not mentioned anything about the animations being placeholders at all. Not that you'd use placeholders for animations really anyway.
The shotgun looks like it gave them a good kick...suppose its another wait and see thing.
i can only hope.

It was the most obvious on trap town when he is under the swinging blade, he uses the shot gun, shoots VERY close range, and the zombie doesnt even move, just some round blood sprites. I realize the blood is place holders, but that zombie should have flown back on its ass.
I'm not so sure. It's a zombie, and a part of a zombie's terror is that it always just keeps going, hunting relentlessly and thoughtlessly.
Originally posted by nickanderson
i can only hope.

It was the most obvious on trap town when he is under the swinging blade, he uses the shot gun, shoots VERY close range, and the zombie doesnt even move, just some round blood sprites. I realize the blood is place holders, but that zombie should have flown back on its ass.

For the sake of the "cool-factor" and gameplay. yes....

...realisticly, no.....we had a whole discussion on this issue....
I don't know if this quote helps:

Ken Birdwell:


I also don't quite know what you're asking. We support any number of forward kinematics (keyframe) and inverse kinematics (IK) blends, along with usually one forward dynamic (ragdoll) blend. High end humanoid characters such as Alyx can combine upwards of 20+ FK blends and around 4 IK blends, as well as their FD set, though once that's active the others usually get suppressed. Other characters are completely FD, others are IK and FD, some are everything, some are actually ID (inverse dynamics) and some are just FK. Others have odd mixes where some portions of the model are always one way, other portions of the model are always another, etc."