Theres no need to hope or even think if its CS2.
You can cross out any game add ons. Its gonna be their own MP w/ their own style.
Maybe later, after CS2(TF2 , etc.) does come out, will they package HL2 w/ them like how they did HL w/ TFC.
They arent speaking about MP or much of the game because they want us to find out ourself.
Its like when a movie is coming out and some guy tells a spoiler which ruins any mystery you wanted to find out yourself.
(my analogies are incredible ;] )
theres a lil whole on the bottom of the see thru box where he poops and pees out of. He better hope he doesnt drop a missle, prolly wont fit in the hole. Roofles
Note: I have no idea if theres a hole on the bottom, just assuming if there was one :]
the arrows is what most new ppl use because it seems logical for movement and such. then there are multiple other configs that are vital and much more efficient being WASD
i used to use arrows when i 1st started but i would always have to look down at the keyboard when i had to press other...
the only thing i change is:
crouch - left shift
walk - ctrl
thats basically it. I play all FPS games now w/ a HL-ish kind of set up ( tho that set-up is probably has been the "norm" of most FPS anyways )
Yea, hard to see a thread called "Jedi Academy demo out!" in front ;]
or did you just decide "hey im making this thread whether there is one already or not....and I already pressed "New Thread" so blah" ;p
Even if someone accidently buys the SP only version, they still have the capability to "upgrade" to have MP as well.
So everything should work out....unless that person who buys SP only by accident doesnt know how to use a computer either lol
it looks like it was like freeze time but
look where the combine on the white marks, its most likely he wals like patroling while others held their position.